16 Uncommon Traffic Fines in Dubai You Must Know About

16 Uncommon Traffic Fines in Dubai You Must Know About

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Traffic Rules and Regulations are for goodwill of the motorists. These traffic rules ensure a smooth flow of traffic on the road and help to avoid serious road incidents. The traffic authorities in Dubai and all over the UAE have been putting rigorous efforts to control and reduce the number of road accidents and hence the fatalities caused by them. These efforts have either been in the form of increasing the fines for certain violations or by maximizing the surveillance of roads with the advanced monitoring system. Motorists, in order to avoid the strict penalties for traffic violations, should know all the scenarios for which they could be penalized. While the motorists might be aware of some common traffic fines, there are certain fines which the motorists might not be accustomed to for their uncommon nature.

Listed below are some of the uncommon fines which you may face while driving in Dubai.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is one of the primary reasons for road accidents in Dubai. Anyone, not paying proper attention to driving, over-speeding or overtaking in a wrong way can be booked for this offence.

Fine: AED 2,000

Impounding of the Car: 30 Days

Overtaking on the Hard Shoulder

It is a serious driving offence owing to the danger of collision with vehicles designated to travel in the emergency lane or hard shoulder. You cannot drive or overtake on the Hard shoulder as it is only dedicated to Emergency vehicles, Police vehicles and rescue services.

Fine: AED 600

Black Points: 6

Also read: Understanding the Forward Collision Warning System for Cars

Driving a Vehicle that Makes too Much Noise

You cannot drive a noisy vehicle in Dubai as it is a serious traffic offence and causes noise pollution. Driving a noisy vehicle can distract other motorists while driving which can ultimately cause accidents.

Fine: AED 500

Vehicle Impounding: 30 Days

Driving a Vehicle that Makes too Much Noise

Allowing the Children Under 10 Years of Age to Sit in the Front Seat

It is a traffic violation taken casually by the car drivers, mostly because of the lack of serious knowledge about the penalties. Allowing children under 10 years to sit in the front seat can put them under serious life threat in case of a collision.

Fine: AED 400

Black Points: 4

Leaving a Car on the Road with its Engine Running

It is considered as a traffic violation in Dubai to leave your car on the road with its engine, still running. This practice is bad as it has serious environmental hazards attached to it.

Fine: AED 300

Putting Stickers or Writing Phrases on the Car without Proper Permission

It is another traffic violation, people in Dubai don’t care about the most. Putting stickers or writing phrases on cars in Dubai is strictly prohibited as it is termed against the moral and ethical values in Dubai.

Fine: AED 200

Putting Stickers or Writing Phrases on the Car without Proper Permission

Driving a Car with Worn-out Tyres

You put yourself under the serious danger of a tyre burst out if you drive a car with poor tyres. It is a traffic violation in Dubai and you can be penalized for it.

Fine: AED 200

Impounding of Car: 7 Days

Also read: Driving Safety: Quick ways for knowing When to Replace Car Tyres

Driving with One Number Plate

You need to drive a car that has both number plates at the front as well as at the back. Any of the two number plates missing can cause you a strict penalty.

Fine: AED 200

Black Points: 2

Not Allowing Other Vehicles to Go by from the Left

It is another offence that most of the motorists in Dubai might not be aware of. If you are found, not giving way to a car to pass from the left, you can face a serious fine for it.

Fine: AED 200

Number Plates with Dubious Numbers

Your vehicle’s number plate must be clear and should not have any digit or two missing or unclear. This is one of the uncommon traffic violations and is therefore not much known among the motorists.

Fine: AED 200

Black Points: 3

Needless Use of Interior Lights

You should not use the interior lights of a vehicle unless it is inevitable. The way human eye is designed, one cannot sight properly while driving in the dark if the interior lights are on. This is why interior lights should be turned-off while driving.

Fine: AED 100

Needless Use of Interior Lights

Driving without Carrying a Driving License

You cannot drive a car in Dubai without carrying a driving license. It is entirely illegal to drive without driving license and you can face fine for that.

Fine: AED 100

Excessive Use of Horn

While using the horn of a vehicle is necessary at times, the abuse of it is strictly prohibited in Dubai. It is important to use the horn only when needed to avoid noise pollution as well a traffic fine.

Fine: AED 100

Black Points: 2

Driving Without Contact Lenses or Spectacles

Motorists with poor eye-sight must not drive without lenses or spectacles. You put yourself and others on road under serious threat of a possible vehicle collision if you drive without contact lenses or spectacles.

Fine: AED 100

Driving Without Contact Lenses or Spectacles

Damaged Indicator Lights

Indicator Lights are important to indicate your vehicle’s movements to other motorists on the road while driving. If your indicator lights are damaged, you will face a fine and black points against your license in Dubai.

Fine: AED 100

Black Points: 2

Opening the Left Door of Taxi

Opening the left door of a taxi to get out of it is also a traffic violation in Dubai as the whole flow of traffic is towards the left side and you need to give way to the vehicles passing from your left.

Fine: AED 100

Black Points: 3

Driving Safe Should be the Goal of all Motorists

It is highly important for all the motorists on the road to follow road safety in order to avoid all major and minor accidents. What matters at the end is the safety of everyone on the road and by following traffic rules and regulations, the road safety can be ensured. Dubai will become a safer state for commuting if all the motorists realize their responsibility and drive carefully all the time.

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