Over 200 Car Scams Reported in the UAE: Things You Must Know to Avoid Such Scams

Over 200 Car Scams Reported in the UAE Thing You Must Know to Avoid Such Scams

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Selling a used car in the UAE can be full of challenges for car sellers, especially if they do not have any prior experience. The biggest challenge that car sellers can face is the risk of a car scam. Many people with fraudulent intentions can approach car sellers through advertising websites where most car sellers advertise their used cars to get the attention of potential car buyers.

In several recent incidents recorded in the UAE, criminal gangs have been found to be exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic situation to scam people looking to sell their cars in the used car market. According to authorities, more than 200 car sellers reported scams in 2020. Car sellers must be careful when selling their used vehicles through advertising websites as most fraudsters approached car sellers through such websites in these incidents.

Given below are some important tips that car sellers should follow to avoid car scams while selling their used cars in the UAE.

Be Careful When Allowing a Test Drive

In some of the recent car scams that have been recorded during the pandemic, fraudsters ran away with used cars while test driving them. A test drive is normally something every potential car buyer asks for before making a final decision about buying the vehicle. While allowing a test drive should not be a big problem, one must accompany the potential buyer during the test drive.

In addition to this, car sellers must ensure that their vehicle is not involved in a traffic violation during the test drive as it will incur hefty fines on them even if they are not driving the vehicle.

Never Accept a Cheque

Several car sellers can be tricked by fraudsters when they accept a cheque as the mode of payment against their vehicles. This is the most common method that is used by fraudsters to trick vulnerable car sellers, which is why car sellers should avoid it at all costs. In most situations, fraudsters try to convince car sellers either by offering them a higher resale price for their vehicle or by showing urgency for purchasing the vehicle. In any situation, car sellers must reject a cheque right away and look for another buyer who can pay the amount against the vehicle in cash. In several incidents, the cheque turned out to be a dud cheque when car sellers tried to withdraw the amount through it.

Also read: Selling Your Car in the UAE – Do’s and Don’ts

Take Your Time and Wait for the Right Buyer

It can often take time to find a serious buyer through advertising websites. In the first place, it is advisable for car sellers to avoid selling their vehicles through advertising websites as these websites can be used by fraudsters to trick vulnerable car sellers. People who prefer selling their cars through classified websites must ensure that they wait for the right buyer to approach them. Several people can contact car sellers through classified websites, however, only a few of them offer the right price for the used car. Car sellers who have already got their vehicles evaluated through a professional platform find it easier to negotiate a fair resale price for their vehicles.

In addition to this, car sellers must also avoid being lured into offers by people with fraudulent intentions. These people usually offer a higher resale price for the cars to get the attention of the car sellers. Knowing the right price of the used vehicle allows car sellers to avoid these offers that can potentially lead to car frauds as mentioned previously. Waiting for the right buyer can help avoid fraudulent deals and can also increase the chance of selling a used car at a fair price.

Also read: How to Sell a Used Car in 5 Easy Steps?

How to Sell Your Car Safely in the UAE?

Car sellers will have to face several challenges while selling their used cars if they do not choose the right car selling platform. To avoid these challenges, car sellers should opt for a professional car buying company like SellAnyCar.com to sell their used cars. SellAnyCar.com is the leading car buying company in the UAE that makes it easier for car sellers to sell their used cars without any hassle.

The company offers a step-by-step process to sell any used car in a safe and convenient manner. The process starts with an online car valuation, which provides car sellers with an idea about the potential market price of their vehicle. At the end of the online valuation, an appointment needs to be booked for the physical inspection of the vehicle. The inspection takes place at the branch of SellAnyCar.com and car sellers can select any of the nationwide branches of the company to get their vehicles inspected.

After the extensive evaluation process, the final price is offered to the car sellers. If the final offer is accepted, a sales agreement is signed immediately and the payment against the vehicle is made through electronic bank transfer after the title transfer of the vehicle. This is the safest and most transparent process for selling any used car in the UAE.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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