Day: December 29, 2013

Hackers Offer Advice To Automakers On How To Prevent Attacks

Automotive hackers commandeered control of a Ford Escape and Toyota Prius during a recent experiment, and using data culled from the experiment came up with some tips on how automakers can block hackers from gaining access to cars. Breaching security in the cars’ software, they did things like start and stop the engines, manipulate steering …

Hackers Offer Advice To Automakers On How To Prevent Attacks Read More »

Here’s Why You Need To Stop Texting While Driving

In his documentaries, Werner Herzog has examined grizzly bears, plane crash survivors, cave paintings and death row inmates. For his latest project, the 70-year-old filmmaker is exploring the dangers of texting while driving in “From One Second to the Next,” a 35-minute short film that emotionally recounts how lives have been forever changed by the …

Here’s Why You Need To Stop Texting While Driving Read More »

GreenTech Auto’s Big Plans Haven’t Come To Fruition

TUNICA, Miss. (AP) – It seemed like a win for everyone involved when a startup car company, backed by political heavyweights, wooed investors with plans to build a massive auto plant in the Mississippi Delta, hire thousands of people and pump out a brand new line of fuel-efficient vehicles. GreenTech Automotive Inc. announced in 2009 …

GreenTech Auto’s Big Plans Haven’t Come To Fruition Read More »

Hyperloop Will Be Defeated By Greed And Big Business, Not Technology Limitations

There are plenty of nay-sayers who are already shoveling dirt on Elon Musk’s proposal that someone or some entity take up the design for a high-speed conveyance he is calling Hyperloop to create a 30-minute trip between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Hyperloop, a high-speed solar/electromagnetically powered “train” concept that would travel in an enclosed …

Hyperloop Will Be Defeated By Greed And Big Business, Not Technology Limitations Read More »