2015 Corvette Stingray to get 8-speed Auto Gearbox

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It seems like the automobile market has lots of news and updates to shock the customers out there. Every now and then, there is some or the other news that gains the attention of the viewers and provokes them to be the buyers of any particular car model. Over the World Wide Web, there are like millions of blogs that keep the readers posted on the recent updates in the automobile industry. Well, the place where you are reading this particular article is also a Dubai based blog that is targeted towards facilitating up-to-date information to the viewers about the newer inventions that are prevalent in the auto industry. Similarly like our other posts, our main motive in this particular article is to tell you about the car information related to the next generation Corvette.

The current model of Corvette has six-speed automatic transmission that is capable of 28 mpg on the highway. It is a powerful 455-horsepower machine that has latest features and specifications to meet the requirements of the Corvette lovers. It is just a few years back that the brand launched this model. And, now the new news that is coming forth is that the brand is having plans about the next model as well. According to the recent news, it is being said that the upcoming Corvette that will be launched in 2015 will be having an 8-speed auto gearbox, i.e. 2 more than the current configuration. In a recent paper, the company officials have confirmed this news. Hence, the Corvette lovers are really very excited to see what their adorable car manufacturing brand has to offer in the coming years.

Well, if you are a car enthusiast, then there might be the case that you might already know about transmission. But, if you are unaware of the concept, then let us have a bit of introduction in order to understand the meaning of auto gearbox and its purpose.

Well, automatic transmission, also known as auto gearbox is the car mechanism that shifts gears according to the increase in the speed. And, along with increasing the speed of the car, the driver used to shift the gears so that the car can function well and that too without putting any undue pressure on the engine and the motor. Slowly and gradually, as the automobile industry surged, the car specifications turned out to be automatic. And, now the manual gearbox has taken the face of an automatic gearbox, in which the mechanism changes the gear ratios automatically, along with the increase in the speed of the automobile. In the automatic mechanism, the driver does not require to change the gears. Instead, the gearbox operates itself.

Now, connecting this introduction to the news that we have already mentioned, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the 8-speed auto gearbox Corvette that will be launched will be having 8 gear levels. As the gear count is directly proportional to the speed limit of the car, it becomes clear that the 2015 Corvette will have improved top speed as compared to the previous models.

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