5 Easy Ways to Save your Car from Breaking Down This Summer

Effective tips for saving car from breakdown in summers

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Automobiles are sensitive to extreme seasonal changes. Whether it is the hot summer or chilly winter, you need to maintain your vehicle in the best possible way to save it from weather hazards. As the long summer season has just begun, you need to start putting an extra effort into the maintenance of your car to help it combat the rising temperatures effectively. Different parts of the car demand individual attention at the regular basis in summers. The lack of maintenance of specific car parts in summer season can lead to a possible breakdown of the vehicle.

We shall share here, some important tips to preserve the most important parts of your car in summers:

Battery Preservation

Batteries can be damaged by heat in summers. Poor maintenance of the battery can weaken its performance which will cause problems in starting a vehicle.  Usually, in such a case you have to go for the replacement of your battery. Batteries older than two years demand more care in summers.

Following are the maintenance tips for your battery in summer season:

  • Turn off engine of the car when it is not moving e.g. when you are waiting at a stop signal on the road. This practice provides due rest to the battery.
  • Turn off air conditioning, head/ tail lights and entertainment systems as you park the car. It prevents the battery from unnecessary stress when you restart the engine.
  • Keep checking the water levels of the battery as the batteries get drained earlier in summers.

Heat damages car battery, turn off engine when car is not moving

Tyres Maintenance

Secondly, you need to check you tyre pressure weekly. This facility is available at all petrol stations and it is mostly free. Tyres should be in good condition for a safe journey as cracks, bulges and low pressure of tyres could lead to adverse consequences in the summer season. If the tread wear indicator of tyres is down to the one-sixteenth inch of the tyre, it is the time to alter the tyres.

Flat tyres are dangerous for driving

Another way to check tyre tread is through penny test. Get a dirham (coin) and place it in between tread and tyre ribs. If you can see the Arab tea pot printed on the coin then it is the time to change tyres. You can also take your car to the mechanic for checking tyres pressure and physical condition.

If the top of Arab teapot is hidden when the coin is placed in between tyre tread, your tyres are good to go

Engine Oil Change

Engine oil also needs to be checked regularly in summers as filthy and non-responsive engine oil can destroy your engine performance. It is simple to check the oil condition with the dip-stick test. If the test shows the oil to be crude, black in colour and lacking lubrication then it’s better to change the oil. Oil change facility is available at car service stations. The oil filter also needs to be changed annually for better engine performance.

Timely oil change can prevent car from breaking down in summer

Air Filter Check-up

Air gets more polluted in summers, so as the air filter of the car. You need to monitor your air filter too in summer to keep the engine in the best health. In normal conditions, the air filter can last up to 12 months. But in the summer you might need to change it early. You can get the air filter checked at a service station near you and get it replaced if needed.

Air Filters of the car must be clean for better cooling

Water Level of the Car Radiator

You are required to check the water level in the car radiator weekly in normal conditions and after every second day in summers. The evaporation and consumption levels of water increase in summers leaving the car radiator empty of water frequently. Thus, in order to keep the engine cool and run effectively, it is appropriate to add water into the radiator at the regular basis.

Water level in car radiator has to be checked timely

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Image Source: Shutterstock

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