50 investors in ‘Motor World’ stop paying rent and threaten to leave

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About fifty investors who are half of the investors in the “Motor World” project stopped paying the annual rent and they also declined to renew the commercial licenses of their exhibitions which caused the accumulation of rents and late fines for renewal in addition to the end of some employees’ residences in those exhibitions, this was a qualitative escalation for the complaints of traders that were pursued by the “Union” more than once. Some investors and traders in a meeting with the “Union” said that the problems they faced since moving from the city of Abu Dhabi are “worsened and became unbearable” as they described where they explained that their efforts to reach some solutions away from the bankruptcy are not working and they described the response of the authorized bodies in “ALDAR” company and the Department of Economic Development as “modest”. They mentioned about twelve problems that contributed to the problem of reducing the size of their business by 900 percent.

The “Motor World” area is located in the south-west of Abu Dhabi International Airport in Alshameha area and the total area’s size ​​is about three million square meters that provides around 2,700 parking places. Traders affirmed that they have decided to stop paying the fees until they get radical solutions to the problems they face despite the announcement of “ALDAR” company to reduce the rents by 30 percent. They pointed to their significantly losses during the past period of their work due to the lack of the most important services and facilities where the authorized bodies promised them to provide these facilities at the project’s site.

The traders selected twelve problems where if the authorized bodies solve them, this will help to overcome the crisis and stop the losses bleeding beginning with solving the problem of isolation and away from the vital places and freezing the rental fees for the showrooms and exhibitions in addition to providing a center for vehicle’s registration and another one for the examination plus attracting branches of the insurance companies in the vicinity of the project site. The investors called the authorized bodies to provide Mosque and retail shops in the project area in addition to provide direct entrances to the project site instead of the existing entries which are not clear as they said. The exhibitions’ owners said that the high value of the exhibitions’ operational cost does not threaten their trade only but extends its impact on their personal lives even after accumulation of loans and financial obligations on them.


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