6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

6 Bad Habits of UAE Drivers

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The traffic problems in the UAE still persist due to careless behavior of motorists and many other mistakes committed by them while driving. Recently, the half yearly traffic statistics revealed increased road deaths as compared to previous year which is really worrisome. The motorists commit some traffic violations mistakenly but there are some traffic offences which they have made their habit. It is high time for motorists to recognize their mistakes and put honest efforts to get bad habits out of their driving style.

In this blog, we will discuss bad habits of commuters which they must change to remain safe while driving in the UAE.

Showing Careless Attitude

The careless attitude of motorists is the biggest reason behind fatal road accidents. The 2016’s half year statistics show that 163 accidents and 27 deaths in Dubai were caused because of irresponsible driving behavior of commuters. The careless attitude by motorists includes mobile phone use, eating, drinking or doing any other distracting activity while driving. The motorists need to understand that safe driving is their responsibility and they shouldn’t do any activity that pushes away their attention from the road.

6 Bad Habits of UAE Drivers

Sudden Lane Changing without Signal

You need to remain in your lane especially when there is traffic congestion. But if you want to change the lane, always give a turn signal to avoid collision with other vehicles. You should also avoid abrupt lane changing and decide earlier whether you need to change the lane and indicate. Changing lane at right time and giving signal will notify the motorists coming behind and they will easily give you space to move your vehicle on the other side.

Violating One-way Driving Rule

The one-way driving violation is also a common habit of many motorists. Usually, when motorists don’t find a u-turn, they tend to turn back on one-way road which is a serious offence. Doing this, might save your fuel and time but you put your and other’s safety at high risk. You should never do this because it leads to serious consequences.

Violating One Way traffic rule


Tailgating in a hurry during driving is another bad habit of many drivers. You need to maintain an optimum distance from other vehicles because the front vehicle may apply brakes suddenly. In that case, you may encounter a severe collision. Sometimes, a chain of accidents take place because of tailgating and cause fatalities.

Tailgaters disturb traffic


There are certain speed limits on different roads of the UAE which instruct drivers to maintain a steady pace. But motorists in the UAE have adopted a very bad habit of over-speeding and it is one of the main reasons of traffic accidents in the UAE. Over-speeding can cause the most fatal results and put many lives on stake. Motorists must respect the speed limits on road to keep best care of their own safety and safety of other commuters on the road.


Driving at 200 km/h could be dangerous for you, being a responsible citizen avoid exceeding from maximum speed limit.

Not Wearing Seat Belts

Many motorists forget to wear seat belts when they drive. Motorists must know the importance of the seat belts to make sure their best safety while driving. The seat belts save you from dangerous physical injuries in case of an accident. Therefore, you need to make it your regular habit to wear seat belt before driving.

Use seat belts

Help UAE to solve its Traffic Issues

Traffic problems in the UAE are increasing day by day. A number of road accidents take place every month causing deaths of commuters on the road. Traffic rules are made for the goodwill of people and following these rules saves them from many fatal consequences. The mistakes mentioned in this blog are the most common mistakes committed by UAE motorists. Traffic authorities are trying their best to reduce the number of road accidents and make motorists more cautious while driving. For this purpose discount on fines have been revoked in Abu Dhabi and new Radars are being installed in Dubai and other cities to monitor traffic violations and punish the offenders. Despite all these efforts, nothing would change significantly if motorists don’t play their part in solving UAE’s traffic issues and they can do that by avoiding all dangerous driving mistakes.

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