6 Tips for Driving Safely in Fog

Car crash due to fog

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UAE in recent times has seen increased occurrences of dense fog; making driving conditions very difficult. It has led to serious accidents involving not only casualties, but also fatalities. It’s even riskier to drive in the fog on highways. Visibility gets decreased and figuring out the distance from the cars ahead and behind becomes very dodgy. You must follow the 6 safety measures listed below to drive safe in Fog.

Reduce your speed

One thing to remember is that fog makes it difficult to see objects by adding its white color to everything around. This makes vivid colors look very dull and has a tendency to make objects look blended in the atmosphere. It makes it difficult for the drivers to judge the distance between his/her car, the stationary cars or the cars passing by. In short, the rule number 1 is to reduce speed so that you have enough time to judge distances correctly in fog.

Reduce speed in Fog- sign

Turn on parking lights during Daytime

Do not turn off the parking lights in fog at day time. Parking lights help to make your vehicle more visible to other drivers, who are driving alongside and behind your car.

Parking lights switched on in fog

Use low-beam headlights

When visibility is reduced to zero points in the night time, always turn on the low-beam headlights. Using high beam lights in fog can be harmful for the driver. These lights can increase the visibility in normal conditions but in fog, they reflect back the fog to the screen halting the visibility completely.

Low beam headlights- night time

Turn on the fog lights

Driving in fog can be enjoyable if safety measures are taken. Always turn on the fog lights. Turning on the front fog lights helps to make visibility from the front. If they are at back, they can guide others to locate your car from the back.

Switch on fog lights

Using the Pavement line on the right side as a guide

Try to drive on the very right lane on the line painted white. Moving to the center pavement can be a problem for those who are coming from behind as they would also be suffering from the fog.

Use pavement line

Never stop on the road in fog

It can be dangerous to stop on the road in the fog. Many of us stop when we cannot see properly but this is not the right way. Always park your car away from the traffic and turn of the headlights. Turning on the lights give an impression that the taillights of your car are indicating the lane of your travel and it can be a big cause of accident or collision.

All these essential safety measures need to be taken in order to ensure the best visibility in fog and drive in the most secure manner.

Never stop in Fog on road

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Image Source: 01government.com

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