6 Ways to Avoid Car Accidents in the UAE

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Car accidents can be seriously tragic and even the minor ones can prove to have dangerous consequences. Major accidents can understandably be more devastating and result in serious injuries and fatalities. Whenever you get behind the wheel, it is your responsibility to keep yourself and other commuters on the road safe. While some accidents are caused by the negligence of other drivers, one must ensure that he/she does not commit a major mistake that can lead to a dangerous road situation.

Defensive driving can help avoid such incidents as it refers to driving attentively while complying with traffic rules that have been implemented to eliminate the risk of road accidents. Drivers must also keep an eye on errant drivers who can cause a road accident due to their reckless driving behavior.

Over-speeding on highways, jumping the red signal on major intersections and not leaving enough distance between vehicles are the major reasons behind most of the fatal road accidents in the UAE. Apart from these reasons, not having a vehicle well-maintained can also result in a serious road accident as old or poorly maintained vehicles are vulnerable to sudden breakdowns that can prove to have dangerous consequences.

Given below are some important tips that drivers can follow to avoid dangerous road accidents in the UAE.

Stay Alert and Keep an Eye on Errant Drivers

There can be all types of drivers on a road, which increases the importance of being alert and keeping an eye on how other drivers are driving. Being able to timely react to an emergency can help avoid a major road accident and this can only be possible if a driver avoids all types of distractions while driving.

On highways, in particular, drivers should be able to do the maneuvers as required especially when driving in the fast lane. Attentive drivers can also detect the negligence of other drivers and take necessary measures to avoid dangerous road situations.

Avoid Distractions While Driving

Distracted driving has been identified as a major reason behind dangerous road accidents in the UAE. The use of mobile phone while driving is a commonly committed traffic violation by motorists, which has caused several tragic road accidents in the country.

Distracted driving can increase the risk of a high-impact collision with an object or other vehicles on the road. Drivers should avoid the use of mobile phone and all other activities that can take their attention away while driving.

Maintain a Safe Distance from the Vehicle Ahead

Tailgating or not leaving a safe distance between two vehicles can be dangerous on a busy road. By safe distance, it means to at least leave the distance of a vehicle’s length between two vehicles. By doing so, the risk of a collision with the vehicle ahead can be significantly reduced. On the other hand, if you detect a driver tailgating your vehicle, it is important to stay calm and keep up with a constant speed. It is always a good idea not to annoy the tailgater as their negligence can cause a dangerous accident, which can be equally devastating for both vehicles and their passengers.

Use Indicators while Changing Lanes

Indicators have been installed in a vehicle to help drivers change lanes safely. While this is not a new technology by any means, it can be of great importance in avoiding fatal road accidents. Using indicators helps other drivers know about the intended move of a driver to another lane. This makes it easier for them to make timely adjustments to avoid a collision.

While changing lanes, a driver should maintain 100% attention on the road and should only make a lane change when the other lane is empty. An abrupt movement to the other lane without indicating other drivers can result in seriously dangerous road accidents.

Avoid driving near the Heavy Commercial Vehicles

There are designated lanes on highways for Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs) to ensure the safety of other commuters. However, some ignorant HCV drivers can violate the lane discipline, which can increase the risk of a dangerous collision.

It is essential for light vehicle drivers to keep an eye on these big vehicles, especially during windy weather conditions. A heavily loaded commercial vehicle becomes vulnerable to sudden swaying under the influence of strong winds.

Keep a Vehicle Well-maintained

Sudden tyre blowouts and engine failures can lead to serious road accidents. The occurrence of such instances increases during the summer season when roads absorb excessive heated due to elevated temperatures. Keeping a vehicle well-maintained is essential to avoid such sudden breakdowns, especially during the summer season. A well-maintained vehicle is also less vulnerable to a breakdown in other extreme weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, dense fog, dust storms and thunderstorms.

While the maintenance of a relatively new vehicle is easier and less costly, keeping an old vehicle regularly maintained can be a serious challenge for car owners. One useful way of dealing with this situation is to keep an eye on the depreciation rate of a vehicle and if the costs of maintenance rise above the actual residual value of the vehicle, car owners should consider upgrading to a new vehicle.

How to Sell Your Old Vehicle at a Fair Price in the UAE?

Selling an old vehicle can be the right decision if the maintenance cost of the vehicle has exceeded its actual residual value. For selling such a vehicle at a fair price, car sellers must choose the right platform. Among the several options available for selling a used car in the UAE, SellAnyCar.com offers the most reliable car buying service to car sellers.

SellAnyCar.com is the largest car buying company in the UAE that offers guaranteed purchase of every used car that has been inspected by its experts. Regardless of the age, make, model or condition of a vehicle, it can be sold to SellAnyCar.com at a fair price. The post-sale paperwork is also handled by the company, which makes selling a used car 100% hassle-free for car sellers. SellAnyCar.com offers the safest and fastest way to sell a car in the UAE as the entire process of selling a used car is completed within just 30 minutes.


Car accidents can involve fatalities and result in serious property loss. A careful driving approach can help avoid such dangerous situations and minimize the risk of a serious road accident. Following road safety protocols and traffic rules can even help avoid accidents caused by the negligence of other drivers.

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