7 Important Tips to Prevent Driver Fatigue

7 Important Tips to Prevent Driver Fatigue

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Driver fatigue is one of the major reasons behind dangerous road accidents, not only in the UAE but across the globe. According to RoadSafetyUAE, driver fatigue causes up to 30% of fatal crashes and 15% of serious injury crashes. The worrying statistics confirm that drowsy driving can have serious consequences on busy roads and highways of the UAE.

Research has also shown that being awake for more than 17 hours has an alarmingly adverse effect on the driver’s ability to maintain attention while driving. In such a scenario, the driver may even doze off for a few seconds without realising it. Other causes of driver fatigue include sleep disorders, extreme physical and mental exhaustion, lack of quality sleep and driving for long and extended periods.

One of the most dangerous outcomes of driver fatigue is the driver’s decreased ability to assess their exhaustion accurately. This results in a slower reaction, thereby increasing the likelihood of dangerous road accidents.  It is essential for drivers to follow some important practices that can help them stay active and fresh while driving. Some of the most notable ways of avoiding driver fatigue have been discussed below.

Get Enough Sleep Before Driving

One of the best ways to avoid drowsy driving is to get a good amount of rest and sleep before you drive. This is especially useful if you had a hectic previous day or if you have a long drive ahead of you. Around 7 to 8 hours of sleep is a requirement if you want to stay active and alert on the road. Having a long and peaceful sleep is critical when you set off for mountains with family and friends.

Take Periodic Driving Breaks

Whether you have rested well the night before or not, it is a good idea to take frequent driving breaks after the two-hour mark or after every 100 miles. With such periodic breaks, you allow yourself enough time to stretch your legs or to grab a beverage or snacks.

Analyse your Sleep Schedule

If you are doing a job that doesn’t let you fulfill the recommended sleep requirement, then it may be time for you to experiment with your sleeping pattern and figure out what works best for you. Try shifting your sleeping time to different periods and see if you can manage a different sleep schedule. Analysing the sleep schedule is essential for drivers who frequently drive at night. If you have recently joined a job or started a business that requires you to drive at night on a regular basis, it can be difficult for you to get used to a different schedule. For such drivers, it is important to shift their sleep hours to daytime and manage more sleep time than what they would do at night.

Avoid Driving Late at Night

If you are accustomed to sleeping at specific hours, it can be extremely difficult for you to drive actively during those hours. At night, most people tend to become drowsier and sleepier, which increases the risk of dangerous driving. However, if you frequently travel at night, make sure that you manage enough sleep during the daytime.

Also read: 6 Important Tips to Drive Safely at Night

Take a Quick, Pre-drive Nap

If you are driving alone and feeling drowsy, consider pulling up to the nearest safe space and take a quick nap. A nap can last for 15 to 30 minutes, and can make you feel active and energetic again. Moreover, if it’s night, you can also stay at a hotel and start fresh in the morning.

Do Stretching to Get Rid of Fatigue

To stay active and alert, drivers must consider stretching whenever they get a chance while driving.  Stretching can help revitalise the body and stay focused on the journey.

Some other engaging activities that can keep the driver attentive while driving include:

  • Alter the seating position: Rolling the car into a new or unusual seating position takes the driver out of their comfort zone. This can help avert the driver fatigue that naturally sets in on a long road trip. However, make sure that you do not make yourself too uncomfortable as it can force the driver to change the driving style, which can be seriously difficult for some drivers.
  • Minor physical movements: Through minor physical movements, a driver stays active while driving. These include shifting your posture or raising one hand in the air.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is one of the main causes of drowsiness, muscle cramps and headaches. Therefore, it is important to stay hydrated on the road to avoid driver fatigue. It must also be noted that water doesn’t just satisfy your thirst, but it also regulates body temperature, protects the spinal cord and lubricates and shields the joints. All of these factors help in combating driver fatigue and improving overall wellbeing.

How Modern Cars Help Combat Driver Fatigue?

Driver fatigue is one of the major reasons behind drowsy and distracted driving. It is important to follow all the above-mentioned tips to avoid dangerous road accidents caused by drowsy driving. Having said that, many modern cars now come with advanced safety, comfort and driver assistance features that can help prevent driver fatigue. Some of the advanced safety features that help maintain attention while driving include Adaptive Cruise Control, Lane-Keep Assist, Driver Attention Assist and Blind-Spot Monitoring.

These safety features and driver-assistance systems help a great deal in avoiding dangerous road incidents caused by inattentive driving. They keep a driver engaged and attentive at all times, thus minimizing the risk of a serious road situation.

However, it must be noted that while these technologies can ensure a safer driving experience, they cannot substitute a driver’s complete attention and focus on the road. These advanced solutions are good backups, but a fully attentive driver ensures the greatest safety on the road.

How to Upgrade Your Old Vehicle to Buy a New One with Advanced Safety Features?

If you want to upgrade your old vehicle and buy a new one with advanced safety and comfort features, then look no further SellAnyCar.com. SellAnyCar.com is the largest car buying company that offers a guaranteed purchase of any vehicle regardless of its make, model, age and condition. From providing a comprehensive two-step car valuation to handling all the post-sale paperwork, it is one of the most reliable and hassle-free ways to sell any car in the UAE.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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