International driving license from the Emirates automobile and touring club

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The citizens of the United Arab Emirates and residents in the country may be exposed to some of the obstacles while traveling abroad especially if the international driving licenses that they have are informal or unauthorized by the official committee in the United Arab Emirates. In the case of an accident while driving out of the country, the insurance will be void if the internationaldriving license is informal or issued by any unauthorized committee.

If anyone in the United Arab Emirates or any resident wants to get the international driving license, he/she can exclusively get it from the automobile and touring club in UAE or from any of its authorized agents. The adoption of this license was by the United Nations “UN” in 1949 with the aim of overcoming the obstacles faced by travelers to other countries with issuing a driving license from these countries. There are some countries that allow visitors to use the driving licenses issued by their home countries but that might cause some problems because of the different languages ​​in addition to the advantages for the owner of the international driving license.

The international driving license is a solid proof that the holder has a valid driver’s license in his country as it is published in ten languages which are English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, German, Arabic, Italian, Scandinavian ​​and Portuguese languages where this helps to overcome the language barrier between the driver and the police men in these different countries, and the international driving license can serve as an identity card in case of loss of the passport.

There are some documents required in order to get the international driving license from United Arab Emirates:

1) Copy of a validUAE driving license.

2) Two photographs with size as the passport photo’s size

the UAE automobile and touring club is the only authorized body by the government of the UAE under the cabinet’s decision to issue theinternational driving license through the offices of the club in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjahin addition tothe Emirates post offices in the country and offices of the Dubai Roads and Transport committee and any other authorized agents of the automobile and touring club inUnited Arab Emirates. You can find all the authorized agents of the club by visiting the official club’s website on the internet.


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