Spider car cover

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The inventor of this device is Khaled Alnems who was born in the UAE and he is a member of the inventors union. Also, Khaled is one of the founders of the inventions and young Arab and African inventors association, and he participated in numerous international inventions exhibitions in addition to research centers and he was able to achieve some great awards and achievements such as seven medals (one gold, five silver and one bronze medals) from (Qatar – Lebanon – Korea – Kuwait – Egypt) with eleven certificates of appreciation. For the research centers, he participated in many research centers such as Qatar Foundation, Mohammed Bin Rashid Establishment and Foundation of Abu Dhabi for future Energy.

The spider car cover is one of many inventions for this inventor where his invention was able to earn the gold medal in Korea exhibition for inventions in August, 2011.

This device is a cover for the car that covers the car automatically with a push of button and removes the cover from the car by a remote control device. The device function is very easy to manage where the person only puts the device on the surface of the car and the device will automatically extend itself on the hood in a circular motion to cover the full body of the car, and then the device begins to run a very thin electromagnetic network which is found inside the whole cover. This system will enable the device to attach with the entire car’s body.

In order to remove this cover, the person has to use a remote control device to remove the cover by using the device remotely and the device will disconnect the electromagnetic network, and then rotates in the opposite direction to collapse the cover. When the person arrives to the car’s location, he could raise the device from the car’s surface to put it in the trunk. The base of this device is a magnet that would hold the device magnetically on the surface of the car or on the car’s trunk.

The device’s benefits are saving time, effort and maintaining a clean car. The device’s energy is derived by solar cells located on the entire device. The device’s security did not provided yet but the inventor will provide the device with alarm feature. The device’s size is the same for all the cars because it sticks on the car’s body where it takes the shape and size of the car.

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