Chevrolet Cobalt recalled due to fatal ignition switch system

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The process of manufacturing and assembling a complex piece of mechanics such as a car entails a lot of moving parts and this is being done at a fairly large scale so as to sate the sizeable demand from the public. Mistakes are therefore sure to happen and this then leads to the recall of the affected model so as to rectify said defect.

The defect on the ignition switch that has plagued many of the products from General Motors returns again to haunt the 2005-2010 series of the Chevrolet Cobalt. In this particular model, there have been deaths amounting to 7 that occurred after the said defective part was said to be redesigned and approved by GM.

No car, however valuable, is worth your life. It is more prudent to sell than to have to worry about if the ignition system will fail smack in the middle of the highway.

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