How to Avoid a Tyre Blow Out

Tips on how to avoid tyre blow-out

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Over years, the traffic department has noted a considerable decrease in the numbers of cars accidents instigated by worn-out tyres, which is as a result of the greater awareness among drivers concerning the use of worn-out tyres. For any car bought from the car market, a driver is urged to check the air pressure of the tyres weekly and ensure that all the cars tyres are balanced on the vehicle. This is a safety precaution that must be done before driving the vehicle.

What to do when Your Car Tyre Blows-out

Watch this informative video to learn “how to handle your car if you tyre blows-out”.

Stop Buying Cheap and Sub-Standard Tyres

Drivers are warned about buying cheap second-hand tyres or damaged car tyres that cannot withstand the speed, high temperature and friction while on roads. This urges people driving used cars to be cautious about the car tyres which were already used by the first owners in case they didn’t replace them. There are several causes of tyre blowouts that include: using second-hand tyres that don’t meet the set technical standards, high temperatures in the UAE, and due to the fact that car tyres are made of rubber and driving at high speed. Applying instant car brakes wear out car treads on car tyres hence wearing them out.

Common Reasons for Tyre Damage

Tyres are built to withstand typical driving and weather conditions and do not sudden experience damage to its structure unless they are mishandle. Following actions or events can cause a significant amount of damage to a car’s tyre or even result in an immediate blowout.

  • Stunts done by reckless drivers on the roads like drifting cars can cause tyres to blowout.
  • Too less or too high air pressure which changes the shape of tyres while on roads.
  • Collision of tyres with the sidewalk.
  • Driving over solid objects falling from other moving vehicles like stones.

Measures Which Can Reduce the Chances of Tyre Blowouts

These are measures that can be taken to avoid tyre blowouts.

  • Ensuring that the load on the vehicle is within allowable limits.
  • Reading data printed on the tyre before buying it to avoid fake substandard tyres
  • Check tyres on the vehicle in addition to their balance regularly.

What to Do When Your Tyre Burst

A motorist can do the following in case a tyre bursts.

  • Hold the steering wheel with both hands
  • Lift the foot from gas pedal
  • Driver is advised to avoid using the brake to prevent burning of tyres or losing control
  • Choose a safe place to stop and change the burst tyre

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