Eye Tracking Headlights Point Where You Look

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Technology in the field of cars is full of endless ideas implemented by engineers on components of cars to increase their levels of functionality and performance. Apparently, the idea of a car headlight being controlled by a human eye is the point of focus today which has never been thought about in the car history. Car headlights are believed to waste a number of photons of light by illuminating things a driver of a car doesn’t care about. This greatly bothered the engineers influencing them to work on a system that makes a car’s headlights point where the drivers’ eyes are looking.

Such a system is yet to be tested, deployed and implemented in cars in the Dubai car market. This is because in scenarios where a person is driving, many things happen on the road that might take his/her attention. Considering a situation where a car is negotiating corners on winding road where the driver is required to look in different directions for the obstacles in a nick of time. This points out many challenges pertaining the car assessment on situations where a driver has to make decisions after evaluating the car surrounding. Situations where a car is in an over-crowded area and bad weather requires lights in the same position as the driver’s eyes keep moving around to see the environment around.

The system is set to figure out the position of the headlights basing on a simple infrared camera along with infrared illuminators that can identify drivers’ pupils. The system watches the driver continuously updating the direction of your gaze 50 times in a second and easily adapts to the direction. No calibration is required for that mechanism. This helps in improving the car evaluation skills concerning where headlights should point as required by the driver.

The lights are programmed to generally point in the same direction unless you focus somewhere else which makes them to smoothly adjust to provide the best possible illumination. This is an implementation of the sort of delayed smoothing algorithm programmed in the future car headlight system.

The system requires hardware that is yet to be produced for consumers, this means that Dubai cars with such headlights are not yet on the market.

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