Nissan Recalls the Maxima Due to Air Bag Fault

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The Takata air bag saga has left many automobile manufacturers reeling from the effects – especially in financial terms – that the situation has wrought upon them. The saga has seen the car rating of many of the industry’s most trusted players’ fleets decline at a very rapid rate owing to the grand scale at which the problem presented itself.

Many participants in the automotive purchase end of the industry are heavily contemplating car disposal in fear of their lives. Nissan is among the car makers with Takata’s tainted goods and the Maxima model is no exception to this situation. The problem presents itself in a way that the air bag inflates in an overly explosive manner with the result being that shrapnel is sent projecting into the cabin wreaking havoc therein in the form of injury to the inhabitants.

Word from Takata is that the exact cause of the improper deployment of the air bags is not known but it may properly be moisture getting into the chemical used as a propellant in the air bag inflator.

Alongside other car makes, the Maxima – model year 2001 to 2003 – was recalled so that the problem could be fixed.

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