Toyota Claims a Breakthrough to Improve Range of Electric Cars by 15%

Toyota Claims a Breakthrough to Improve Range of Electric Cars by 15%

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Toyota, the popular Japanese car maker has announced a significant breakthrough in boosting the range of electric cars by 15%. The longer cruise range will impact the electric cars in a positive way and add to their demand worldwide. Electric battery is the core element controlling the whole functioning of an electric car and the low-range of these batteries has often emerged to be a concern in the automotive industry. The new breakthrough by Toyota claims to add 15% to the range of electric cars with Lithium Ion batteries by regulating the working of Lithium ions in a highly technical and efficient way.

What’s the New Discovery by Toyota all about

What’s the New Discovery by Toyota all about

The new discovery based on the R&D of Toyota engineers focuses on the world’s first Behavior Observation Method to monitor the working of the electrolyte for lithium ions in an electric battery. This new method, not executed before, aims to successfully manipulate the lithium ions in the electrolyte for their steady and free flow hence stopping them from bunching (a phenomenon that deteriorates the performance of an electric battery with the passage of time). This will add to the performance of electric batteries and increase the range of electric cars by 15%.

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Time Required to Execute Improvements in Range of Electric Cars

The Research and Development Head of Toyota, Hisao Yamashige stated that the new discovery about Lithium ion batteries in electric cars will provide a massive boost to the battery’s performance. The estimated time required to efficiently execute the plans in this regard will take two to three years as suggested by Hisao Yamashige.

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Toyota’s Future Plans for Electric Cars

Electric cars are certainly an environment-friendly alternative to the conventional diesel and petrol cars which have their corresponding carbon footprints. However, the performance of the electric cars especially in terms of their range has been a worrying sign, more due to lack of power stations available for these cars everywhere in the world. In order to address this issue and come up with a productive solution, Toyota has started working on its new discovery in electric cars and is expected to launch a new electric car with the latest battery technology by 2020. Other popular car manufacturers for electric cars are also supposed to be benefited by this new technology innovation of Toyota. The transport regulatory bodies, all around the world are pushing the case for electric cars owing to their eco-friendly nature and the scope of these cars is expected to broaden in the automotive industry if their range is improved as claimed by Toyota.

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