Give Way to Emergency Vehicles or Face Fines and Black Points in Abu Dhabi

Give Way to Emergency Vehicles or Face Fines and Black Points

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Not giving way to the emergency vehicles is an uncivilized practice and motorists in Abu Dhabi can face serious penalties for it. Abu Dhabi Police has recently fined 97 motorists for failing to give way to ambulances and other emergency vehicles. Emergency vehicles mainly include ambulances, fire extinguishing vehicles and other emergency vehicles. These vehicles tend to rush to their destinations in order to provide quick rescue services. There are some general good practices for giving way to emergency vehicles and these must be understood by motorists in order to avoid dangerous situations on the road.

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Why Motorists find it Difficult to Give Way to the Emergency Vehicles

Motorists usually find it very difficult to shift their vehicle to another lane when an emergency vehicle approaches them at pace. It is important to understand that giving way to an emergency vehicle is one thing and creating a chaos on the road due to a sudden lane change is another. You cannot just move your vehicle into another lane all of a sudden, as it can severely disrupt the flow of traffic and potentially cause an accident.

One of the most common reasons for failing to give way to an emergency vehicle is a distraction by loud music being played in the car. Playing loud music in the car makes it almost impossible to hear an approaching ambulance’s siren until the last moment. This creates a panic for motorists and they tend to do too much too quickly, thus create chaos instead of helping the situation.

Motorists can also have multiple concerns in their mind about giving way to the emergency vehicles as they fear of committing other violations while doing it. Following could be some of their most relevant concerns in this regard:

  • Is it a law to give way to the emergency vehicles and would I be fined for not doing so?
  • Should I jump a red light in order to make way for the emergency vehicle?
  • What if the other lanes on the road are not free and you don’t have any possible chance of giving way to an emergency vehicle?

Let’s dig deeper to answer such concerns and explain safe practices to give way to an emergency vehicle.

Safe Practices to Make Way for the Emergency Vehicles

The concerns listed above could cross anyone’s mind who drives any kind of vehicle in Abu Dhabi, but such concerns can be addressed very easily. You don’t need to overdo anything but only follow some safe driving practices in order to make way for the emergency vehicles.

Listed below are some safe practices to make way for the emergency vehicles:

  1. Never panic – If you see an emergency vehicle behind you, there is no need to panic at all.
  2. Remain calm – Try to identify the exact direction from which the emergency vehicle is approaching.
  3. Check if the right lane is free – Try to make space for the approaching emergency vehicle. Only turn to the right lane if it’s safe, otherwise you must indicate to other vehicles in the right lane and wait until there is enough space for you to change your lane.
  4. Allow the approaching emergency vehicle know that you are trying to let it pass – If the right lane continues to be crowded, turn slightly to the right and let the emergency vehicle overtake you from the left.
  5. Never rush yourself and speed – Never try to outrun an emergency vehicle as it can have deadly consequences.
  6. Never break other traffic and road safety laws – Do not jump a red light or speed beyond the limits in order to give way to the emergency vehicles.

Fines and Penalties for Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles in Abu Dhabi

The violation for not giving way to the emergency vehicles is monitored through patrolling cameras in Abu Dhabi. Recently in Abu Dhabi, 97 motorists were fined for failing to give way to an emergency vehicle. The Director of Emergency and Public Safety Department at Abu Dhabi Police, Colonel Mohammad Ibrahim Al Amiri, said that it was not only uncivilised but also against the law to halt the way of emergency vehicles and motorists should always be active enough to respond to such a sudden situation on the road.

A fine of AED 500 and 4 black points against the license is the penalty for obstructing the way of an emergency vehicle. A number of awareness campaigns have been arranged by traffic authorities to educate motorists about the importance of giving way to the emergency vehicles, but it all comes down to the motorists and the way they handle such situations. With the realisation of the fact that emergency vehicles are always rushing to help out those in need of urgent aid, it is everyone’s duty to make conscious efforts in giving way to emergency vehicles on the road.

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