Auto industry experts are urging owners of cars in the United Arab Emirates to conduct the necessary tests regularly

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The auto industry experts urged the drivers of the vehicles in the United Arab Emirates to take advantage of this time of the year with its moderate whether to conduct tests and inspections necessary to ensure the safety of their cars before the onset of the summer period which witnesses a significant rise in temperatures. The high speed, the state of the brakes, the tires and the road conditions are major and essential factors that contribute to the reduction of the distance traveled by the vehicle in a sudden stop situation where a car traveling at 80 km / h and has good brakes and tires will go to a distance of 60 meters before it reaches the full stop point and this distance could increase if the conditions of brakes and tires are bad because these two factors is very important in this situation where the car counts on bakes to stop and the tires to stop quickly.

A lot of road accidents in the United Arab Emirates are happened because of the consumed brakes and tires of the vehicle in combination with the high speed that makes stopping the car quickly is a hard job for the car. The lack of awareness and knowledge of the distance required to stop the vehicle in addition to these factors could lead to the death and we could avoid this on the roads. AsadBadami, the Executive Director of the “A-MAP”companywhich is a specialized in the distribution of auto parts, batteries, tires and lubricants said: “the good brakes are working to slow down the rotation of the wheels and the speed of stopping the tires of the vehicle depends mainly on the tire’s grip on the road surface, therefore, the bad tires and brakes can contribute to accidents and disasters on the road”.

Also, he said: “The car is the most popular method to navigate in the state so driving the vehicle for long periods on a daily basis will consumes the tires and the bad tires can significantly increase the distance traveled by the vehicle on cases of sudden stopping situation. When these factors combined with the high speed, the speed with theneglected brakes and tires can contribute to a lot of injuries and accidents on the roads”.

We want to warn the people from any neglecting in any part in the vehicles especially during the traveling so please implement all the required tests in the specified period to be safe all the time.

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