UAE gets global certificates for the speed control system in automotives

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The Emirates authority for standardization and metrology “Mwasafat” is heading forward to obtain global certificates which are identical to the specifications of the speed control system from some major cars manufacturers companies in the world in order to enforce the factories that producing cars in the United Arab Emirates with the international specifications for the speed control system after the repeatingof incidents of dysfunctionthe speed control system in the state many times which puts the lives of drivers at high risk. According to a study conducted by the Emirates authority for standardization and metrology “Mwasafat”and some contacts with the manufacturers of cars, it mentioned that the obtaining if this certificate will raise the prices of the new cars in the markets of the United Arab Emirates and this made the commission tends to get certificates from specific car factories that produce certain models after the frequent occurrence of speed control system accidents in those models.

In more details, “Mwasafat” is going forward to obtain a global certificate that similar to the specifications of the speed control system by some big car manufacturerscompanies in the world to verify the commitment of these companies towards the global specifications of the speed control system after the repeated incidents of accidents in the state. Mohammed SalehBadri, the General Manager of “Mwasafat” said that “Mwasafat” is searching at the current time to find some international companies that specialized in the control of the auto factories and manufacturing processes to be a neutral third party and get certificates for the speed control system to verify the increase of safety factors in the speed control system and tighten the control over the commitment with the international specifications in this area.

Also, he stated that one of the explanations for the repeated incidents of the speed control system in the state is that some of the factories that produce some cars’ models did not apply the international standards for the speed control systemwith a precision required in this area which leads the commission to apply verification for these specifications. It is noteworthy that the last period witnessed the occurrence of more than ten incidents related to adysfunction of the speed control system in many of the UAE’s emirates which raised the concernsof the drivers about this issue. There have been other such incidents, one of these accidents was from a short period where the Dubai institutionof ambulance services has saved a woman and her maid were in a car with a dysfunction in the speed control system at 135 km /h speed on Abu Dhabi – Dubai road.


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