Apple CarPlay vs. Android Auto: An Introspective Comparison

Mostly renowned car brands are introducing Apple CarPlay in all upcoming models, while Android Auto also has many fans

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Apple CarPlay and Android Auto might be same platforms in their basic purpose but have drastic changes in their actual built and method of functioning. Both Android and Apple are above all other operating systems on the basis of performance and quality. This is why the competition between the two continues to rise. The main apps of both Apple and Google are versatile and user friendly in their own regard but there are some features which determine the clear difference between them.  The smartphone integration systems are always taken as an added luxury to the comfort of drivers. This is what Android auto and Apple CarPlay does. Car brands seem to be divided for the choice of Apple and Android platform apps. Same goes for the common people. We have jotted down here all the distinguishing characteristics of both the apps to make the choice easier.

Menu of Both Apps

The menu of Apple CarPlay is designed in a complex organizational format and presented in a stylish way with large icons which open into sub menus. On the other hand menu of Android Auto doesn’t have any submenus and is not complex at all. The simplicity of the Android Auto makes it more user-friendly. Apple CarPlay might not be perceived as complex for the common iPhone users but for people with the first-hand use, it surely poses challenges. Android Auto is interactive and simple which gives it a slight edge over Apple.

Mostly renowned car brands are introducing Apple CarPlay in all upcoming models

Notification Settings

Apple CarPlay is superior to Android Auto when it comes to the notification settings. The notifications are more sequenced, ordered and prioritized in Apple CarPlay as compared to the Android Auto. For Example in Apple CarPlay, the missed notifications are prioritized in a way that they appear in the form of a red circle on the home screen so that the user can easily check them. But the Android notifications are somewhat scattered as observed in the android smartphones too. While driving, you won’t prefer to maneuver the notifications to find ones you want. This is where Apple CarPlay makes a better deal.

Messaging and Communication

Apple’s CarPlay messaging system is pretty much uniform but is somewhat limited. On the contrary, Android Auto offers more interactive communication and messaging in its platform. Apple CarPlay system only allows Apple’s native messages applications but android system gives more options to the 3rd party applications for communication. In Apple, messages are read through push buttons while the replying option through voice is carried out with the help of software “Siri”. On the other hand, in Android Auto messaging system works through “text-to-speech” system and has more versatile features to make the communication while driving easier.

Comprehensiveness of the Navigation Systems

CarPlay uses Apple’s map that helps drivers to find destined routes but most of the users find Google map more reliable as the coverage comes from the world’s largest search engine platform. Android Auto uses Google’s map and tells the alternate routes, latest news about the traffic through vocal updates and most importantly keeps you on track with your important meetings.

Android Auto is compatible with android smartphones and is user friendly


Both apps have their own high-quality music streaming platforms and especially for live streaming.  Apple supports the iTunes, Dash radio, Overcast, Audible and Stitcher whereas Android allows Google play, Spotify, Tune-in radio and Radio player. Both Platforms provide smooth experience while driving and are hard to compare. It is up to your own inclining for some specific music platforms while driving that can urge you to either go for Apple CarPlay or Android Auto.

Compatible Phones with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto

Apple CarPlay only supports its own devices including the iPhone6, iPhone6 Plus, iPhone5 and iPhone5c. Android Auto is compatible with any smartphone with Android platform that has Android’s latest version installed in it.

The table below gives a brief of all significant differences in both platform apps:

Android Auto and Apple CarPlay comparison Chart

Our Verdict

On the basis of exclusivity of features, Apple CarPlay is the best bid. All applications of the Apple CarPlay are Apple’s own property so the quality and trust levels are maximized in this case. You will get the desired quality with Apple CarPlay. But on the other hand, Android Auto App; despite of having multiple 3rd party apps maintains great standards. Your world seems bigger with the Android Auto App and the user friendliness increases. More than anything else, it depends upon your own ease of using an operating system and this is what potentially determines your choice for either Apple CarPlay or Android Auto.

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