A Beginner’s Guide for Selling a Used Car in the UAE


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The UAE automobile market is huge with a large number of vehicles being sold and purchased daily. Therefore, selling a car in the UAE can be challenging for first-time car sellers. In order to avoid the struggles that most inexperienced car sellers can face, sellers should follow some important practices that can help them sell their vehicles conveniently. These practices include determining a fair and accurate resale value of the car, getting the vehicle ready for sale and choosing the best car selling platform. Once sellers understand how to navigate the large UAE car market, they can make the right decision regarding the right selling platform and the importance of determining a precise and realistic resale value of the car.

There are several options for selling a car in the UAE. The most common options include dealerships, classified websites, and specialist car buying companies. Selling a car to a specialist car buying company is the best approach as these companies offer a simple and straight-forward car buying process.

Given below is a complete guide for selling your used car conveniently and safely in the UAE.

Determine the Resale Value of Your Car

Sellers can determine the resale value of their car through different platforms, however, not all of these platforms are suitable and reliable. The most popular way to evaluate the resale value of the car is through online listings. This conventional method is not considered to be an accurate way to determine a car’s resale price as sellers may over value their vehicle’s price. Moreover, with so many similar vehicles, it is difficult to draw one point of comparison. Price determination through this platform is misleading and doesn’t reflect the actual prices determined through a professional car evaluation process.

On the other hand, car dealers evaluate the resale price of a used car professionally. However, this method is not convenient as dealers only inspect and purchase vehicles of their preferred brands. On the other hand, they might offer you a lower price or refuse to buy your car altogether. It is also a well-known fact that dealers are expert at negotiation tactics, thereby leveraging the car price in their favour.

The most reliable method for used car evaluation is through specialist car buying companies. These companies offer a comprehensive car valuation process that is non-obligatory. You can get a precise and fair professional evaluation for free from a specialist car buying company.

Also read: How to Calculate the Right Price for Your Used Car?

Selling a Car Through Classified Websites

Sellers who choose to sell their car through classified websites can find it exceedingly frustrating, time-consuming and risky. First of all, classified websites don’t guarantee that you will find a serious buyer quickly since many similar vehicles are listed on the site. In addition to this, the fundamental issue with classified websites is that there is no mechanism in place that authenticates the identity of the users. There is no viable system that monitors buyerseller trading and no payment gateway for transactions. These cracks easily allow fraudsters to contact and scam vulnerable car sellers.

Other than the risk of financial scams, sellers’ privacy is also compromised while dealing with strangers. It is difficult to evaluate the intentions of a stranger who approaches you through classifieds. These challenges make it extremely difficult to sell a car through online classifieds.

Selling a Car Through Dealerships

Another option to sell your used car in the UAE is through professional dealers. Dealers, with their years of experience and expert negotiation skills can easily trick sellers into selling a car at a lower price. This can result in a major financial loss for the sellers.

Dealers also offer trade-in deal to car owners that refers to trading a vehicle with a new one by settling the difference between the two payments. Due to their vast experience and adept bargaining skills, dealers always maintain an upper hand in the negotiation process. The dealer will either offer a bigger discount on the new car and a low price for the used car or they will offer a better price for the used car and a smaller discount on the new car. In both the cases, they will maximise their profit by controlling both parts of the transaction.

A trade-in offer can never be in the favour of the seller because dealers try their best to get the most out of this deal. The ideal option for car sellers should be to sell their used vehicle and buy a new one separately so that they can negotiate for a fair deal on both accounts.

Also read: Over 200 Car Scams Reported in the UAE: Things You Must Know to Avoid Such Scams

Documents You Need to Sell Your Car Privately

There is plenty of documentation involved when you sell a car in the UAE. Without any professional help, the car owner must get all the essential paperwork ready including the registration related documents, the service history of the vehicle. In addition to this, the seller also has to pay off any outstanding fines against the vehicle before selling it.

Selling a vehicle privately also includes other paperwork including the title transfer of the vehicle and the deregistration of the vehicle. Managing all the paperwork can be quite a challenge for sellers when they sell their vehicles privately. A more simple and hassle-free approach would be to let a specialist car buying company handle all the paperwork.

The Ideal Platform to Sell Your Car in the UAE

Selling a car reliably and conveniently with minimum hassle-free in the UAE is a big challenge. However, if a professional car buying company is contacted, these hassles can be avoided. SellAnyCar.com is a professional car buying company that provides car sellers with a simple and hassle-free solution to sell their vehicles in the UAE.

SellAnyCar.com is the largest car buying company in the UAE that offers an opportunity for sellers to sell their vehicles at a fair price. The process starts with the free online car valuation that gives a potential market value of the vehicle in minutes. After that, a physical appointment is booked with the automotive experts of the company that inspect the car thoroughly.  A team of experts evaluates the residual value of the vehicle and offers the best possible price for it. If the seller likes the price, they can sell the vehicle to SellAnyCar.com, however, if the offered price is not close to their expectation, they can simply walk away without paying any fees for car valuation and physical inspection. If the deal is successful, a sales agreement is signed between the company and car owner and the payment is secured via electronic bank transfer.

SellAnyCar.com also offers the service of post-sale paperwork to make the process of selling a used car 100% hassle-free. Moreover, SellAnyCar.com offers a guaranteed purchase of any vehicle regardless of its age, make, model and condition.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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