Benefits of Buying Used Car in Dubai over New Car

buying used car in dubai

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Buying used car in Dubai is less expensive as compared to buying a brand-new car. The car buyers who look to keep a check on budget while buying a car, they must go for the used cars in Dubai. Buying used car is not only a cost saving option but it has many other advantages as well. In this blog, we shall shed light on the key benefits of buying a used car in Dubai over the new car that will guide our readers to choose the right car to buy in line with their specific budget and interest.

Used Cars Depreciate at a Lower Rate

It is important to understand that when you buy a new car, you agree to the fact that the new car will have a higher depreciation value than the used car. Just when you buy a new car and step out of the auto dealer shop, its price drops 20% and it continues to deprecate in the first two years. However, the prices of used cars don’t depreciate at such a high rate and you will be able to sell used car at a good price too.

Availability for Large Variety of Used Cars

If you intend to buy the used car in Dubai, then a large variety of cars will be available for you. The used car market of Dubai is full of world’s top automobiles brands and you can find almost every car model in this market.  You can set your preferences on the basis of your budget and the features you want in a car and explore a number of options in the used cars category which match best with your standards.

Affordable Maintenance Cost of Used Car

The maintenance cost of the used cars in Dubai is much lower than that of new cars. Getting your new car repaired for even a minor damage can cost you very much and as compared to that you will have to pay very little for the same services of used car.

Skip Dealership Fee When Buying Used Car in Dubai

You should buy a used car on your own can to save dealership fee. If you do the little effort in research and find the best used cars from online classifieds and the newspaper ads, it can benefit you a lot in saving significant amount of money. The large variety available for buying used car in Dubai helps you a lot finding the best suited to your taste without any external help.


Buying a used car in Dubai over new car keeps your budget in check and saves you from a number of additional costs; you may have to pay when buying a new car. The cheaper maintenance cost of the used cars is also an added advantage that allows you to manage your expenses smartly. You must always take your time and never rush with a decision when buying a car. The decision should complement your lifestyle and particular interests.

Planning to buy new car? Don’t forget that with us you can sell your used car in just 30 minutes while all the post sales paperwork is handled by’s team.

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