Best easy-to-do tips to save car brakes

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There are many things you can do to make the brakes of your car last longer or wear rapidly. When you notice that you have to change the brakes a lot, then there might be a problem with the car, the mechanic, or even the driver. Maybe the problem resulted from the geography of the place.

There are some techniques you can do to make your brakes last longer and save your money.

Speed is brake’s worst enemy:

It you want to kill your brakes, stop unexpectedly from a high speed. When you stop immediately from a high speed, ten you are killing the materials of the brakes, because in this case, the brakes are turning the speed of the car into heat. The car’s motion is calculated by multiplying half the car’s weight by the square of its speed. The lesser the speed is, the lesser the motion turning to heat which means the lesser brakes wear.

Mighty righty:

Try to get used to using your right foot for the brakes pedal. Using the left foot will make you push the brakes unnecessarily which leads to more brakes damage. You see a lot of cars on the roads with the brakes light color on, because they push them simultaneously, that’s why using the right foot will help you avoid doing so.

Coasting is the best way:

There is another technique to save your car’s brakes from being damaged by immediate stopping. You can apply the art of coasting. If you know that you have to stop at the end of the road, start coasting from 70 down 50. Even if you might los a little time, but you will reduce brake wear.

Use your memory:

Plan ahead while driving and memorize places where you know that the other drivers will stop inappropriately. Such as freeway bends, or roads with hills that com unexpectedly to drivers. In such roads you start coasting down. The other cars will go past you, but you would lose less the brakes and gas.

Look enough ahead:

Keep your eyes on the coming road not only on what is in front of you. Estimate how much left till the coming stoplight and the slowing cars so that you know when to start coasting.

Be wiser and don’t join in:

If the driver in front of you brakes, it doesn’t mean that you have to brake too.

Maybe the first driver braked for no reason. With a little practice you will know how to coast in such cases, especially if you weren’t looking ahead far enough.

Diet is good:

Make sure you get red of all the unnecessary weight in your car, like the spare tires. It is important to consider the vehicles weight before you buy it because this is related directly with the brakes, the tires and the gas.

Flushing is important:

Some vehicle manufacturers say it is better to renew the brakes fluid every two years. If you have a old vehicle or if you buy a used one, you should renew the brake fluid. In an emergency stop the fluid boils and reduces the effectiveness of the brakes severely, in addition to internal corrosion which ruins critical rubber seals. To avoid that, you should flush the brake fluid to make the internal components last longer and the brakes work better.

Know your needs:

The brakes markets is very complex with many components and designs.

Brake materials that are perfect for the high heat or the constant heavy use, many not be agreeable for the divers who care about the price. Brakes are designed for specific users. So, to know what kind of brakes suits your needs and matches your desires the best, you should see a good mechanic.

Work on these techniques to save not only the brakes, but also the gas and tires too.

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