BMW Takes on New Management in The Middle East


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The BMW Group made its big announcement for a new manager to take over Dr. Joerg Breuer’s former position as Managing Director over the BMW Group operations located in the Middle East. Johannes Seibert will be the new manager to head the BMW Group. This new management will take place on February 1st of new year. This major change is leadership is mainly due to Dr. Joerg Breuer’s new position in the BMW Group’s German market, which is highly successful and thriving.

The success of the BMW Group in the German market is widely due to Joerg Breuer’s great strategies and techniques as Vice President of Marketing. Breuer is considered to be an expert in his field of work and thus brings a wide variety of knowledge and leadership to the Middle East. Thanks to Joerg Breuer the sales the BMW Group has flourished in every single area/location that he has been called to managerial leadership in.

For example, the BMW company saw a huge increase in their digital sales in the specific region to which he focused all of skills. In 2012, BMW sales hit a record high selling over 21,000 cars to its Middle Eastern customers. This was a fourteen percent increase from the figures and sales of the previous year. Since then the BMW Group has continued to exceed its own standards by improving the sales by a whopping seventeen percent the following year (2013).

Breuer has more than 25 years of experience working within the BMW Group and for that reason alone Joerg Breuer is deemed to be a great fit for the new management position. Breuer also has previous management experience in Singapore where he served as the managing director in Asia for the BMW Group. There he had the great responsibility to oversea and manage all of the 14 South-East markets is Asia. Under his leadership there the Asian market thrived and thus Breuer has a proven track record.

It should also be noted that Breuer is held in high esteem due to his previous positions in the senior managerial role. Breuer has been a Regional Director, Managing Director, and General Manager for the BMW Group for various locations including Eastern Germany, Mexico, and Panama for Latin America. It is always a great accomplishment when an American business man can have success in multiple leadership positions along the lines of marketing in foreign territory. Breuer has the expertise to handle just about anything that comes his way. Therefore, as the new Managing Director for the BMW Group in the Middle East , Joerg Breuer is bound to fill his successors shoes and excel still more.

The Vice President of Importer Markets of the BMW Group, Graeme Grieve, has great and promising expectancy for Breuer even as takes Seibert’s place as Managing Director in the Middle East. Grieves says, in so many words, that Breuer an innumerable amount of leadership experience and marketing wisdom to his new role for the Middle East BMW Group. It is expected that what Joerg Breuer will bring to the table will be priceless and at the same time worth a great treasure as the Middle East Marketing Group will definitely grow in business and wealth. Many thanks goes to Joerg Breuer for the success of the BMW Group overseas as it one of the most successful automobile and motorcycle manufacturers.

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