BMW’s new strategy to promote

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BMW’s new strategy includes recruitment of two officials from Europe. It is announced that the Two Europeans are hired by BMW inside America’s Plant. The company is trying to regain the first position in the league of Premium car makers. As the current position is held by the Munich Motorcar maker, Mercedes-Benz.

It is yet to see the proceedings of bmw and its planning and strategy however, the Dutch National Koenders, 49 who shared an impressive tenure with BMW for 20 years has acquired the new role of Sales operation. It is said that J Chris Koenders will be chief in making sales related strategies, planning and marketing in the United States of America. Koenders shares an impressive record with BMW as he was president of the BMW group in the Netherlands since 2010. Peter miles have been promoted as an executive Vice president of BMW of Northern American Base.

BMW released a statement stating that Koenders leadership qualities are impeccable and under his management did the BMW achieved the number UNO position in the Luxury car sector for the foremost time in Netherland since 1983 and has maintained it till now.

Peter Witt, 39 who is the current MD of the BMW group in Sweden is all set to lead the BMW’s operation of the western horizon of the United States of America, ensuing David Duncan who has been promoted as Vice-President of Mini operations in the united States of America. David Duncan ensues Jim McDowell is due to retire.

The CEO of BMW America, Ludwig Willisch announced the organization is gearing and intensifying to strength their team to achieve the goal “Consumer-driven Focus”. These changes will be effective from Jan 1 2014.

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