Car Battery Life and Maintenance

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A car battery helps the vehicle start up and continue running. Most batteries will continue working well for 5 to 7 years, and with some simple maintenance and tips, you can help to prolong the life of your battery and reduce its problems.

  1. Turn off everything electrical before starting your car, particularly in cold weather, as this will reduce the load on the battery at start-up.
    1.  Drive your vehicle regularly. Leaving your vehicle stationary for an extended period affects your battery’s charge. So,  make sure you regularly drive your vehicle to maintain the required level of charge in your battery
    2. Check the battery’s water level every 2 or 3 months. Make sure the water just touch the bottom of the battery’s refill hole.
    3. To protect the battery from rust and corrosion, coat the battery with grease made for high temperatures.

5.      Check the battery charging rate. Check the charging rate at every major service. Both under and over-charging will reduce car battery life.

6.      Keep the car battery case clean. Ensure the case and terminals are checked and cleaned during every major service, as dirt and dampness can damage your battery case and may cause your battery to lose change.

7.       Start the car before operating car accessories and drive the car to allow the battery to get topped off by the car alternator which produces electricity.

8.      Take your car in to your mechanic or shop for regular servicing. Have it inspected and tested every 3,000 miles or 3 months. This is the best way to maintain your battery and your entire car.

9.      When you get an oil change or have your car in for maintenance, inspect the cell voltage of the battery.

10.  Whenever necessary, add water to fill holes. If the battery needs water, use clean, distilled water, as tap water contains minerals that will compromise a battery’s capacity. Do not overfill the cells, just to the bottom of the refill hole is perfect.

  1. If you go on vacation, invest in a car charger to maintain your car battery. This can also prevents your battery from going dead (flat) which can cause onboard car computers to fail.
  2. clean the terminals periodically with a wire brush


*Don’t forget to wear safety goggles and gloves any time you work on your car to prevent injury.


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