With Car Colors, Men and Women Don’t See Eye to Eye

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The most notable thing about any car is the color of its exterior. It is therefore a no brainer that the color of the car during car acquisition can be the deal breaker in the process of automotive purchase.

Men and women however have different tastes when it comes to colors and therefore give different vehicles a varying car rating just because of the shade of color that it has. Given that this is such an important factor, iSeeCars.com had a team of automotive researchers carry out a study based on the colors of cars and which sex gravitated more to which color.

The fairer sex was shown to be more biased towards cars that were of a gold shade, silver and beige as compared to their male counterparts. The men on the other hand leaned towards cars that were orange, brown and yellow in color. Black, white and silver cars brought some parity into the mix since these are the colors that appeal to both sexes.

Men have shifted from red and black. This has been explained by the fact that muscle cars – a male dominated market – have been made more in the colors of orange and yellow as compared to the previous red and black.

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