Car Selling 101: 5 Tips to Get the Best Value for Your Used Car


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Selling a used car in the UAE can be difficult, especially if car sellers do not follow some essential practices. From choosing the right car selling platform to assessing the actual value of a used car, there are several aspects of selling a used vehicle that must not be ignored by car sellers. In addition to that, it is important to have a vehicle ready before finding a serious buyer.

The private selling of a used car can be ungainly, risky and confusing for many people. Therefore, it becomes essential for car sellers to find a trustworthy car buying service that can streamline this process and help them get a fair resale value. A professional car buying company can make the entire selling process a lot more hassle-free, in addition to giving a fair resale price.

Given below are 5 tips that can help car sellers get the best value for their used cars.

Cleaning and Repairing of the Used Car

Before putting a used car up for selling on any platform, it is important to clean it thoroughly and repair it as per requirement. The following checklist can help car sellers in cleaning their used vehicles with an aim to prepare it for selling:

  • Remove stains from the seats
  • Clean internal parts like cup holders and the dashboard
  • Wipe down the wheels and hubcaps
  • Clean mirrors and windows
  • Wipe down leather seats with a leather cleaner
  • Vacuum the interior
  • Wash the exterior
  • Wax the car’s body

In addition to cleaning, car sellers should also consider taking care of any dents, scratches, or marks on the vehicle’s exterior to increase the resale value. Minor repairs can increase the resale value of the car by a huge margin. However, it is essential to make use of good judgment when repairing a used car.

Car owners should weigh the cost of repairs against the value addition they provide and should only go for repairs that would increase the resale value significantly. A good way to go about this would be to fix the smaller and more obvious problems such as a burned-out taillight or a cracked windshield.

Professional Evaluation

Getting a used car evaluated by a professional car buying company is important in order to get the best resale value. This can help car sellers know the actual market value of their used vehicle and can make the selling process a lot simpler. Automobile owners can also go for expert and reliable online car valuation tools to determine the potential resale price of their used cars.

Avoiding Classified Websites

Selling a used car through classified websites comes with a lot of challenges such as the risk of fraud and wastage of time. Furthermore, finding a serious buyer is not guaranteed through the classifieds, since there are a lot of similar vehicles listed on these websites. Another concern that car owners face with classified websites is giving out private information such as contact details and home address.

Unknown people can then contact them and ask to meet for the inspection of the car. This can pose a serious risk as people with ill intentions may also get access to your information and ask for a meeting under the pretense of inspecting the car.

Negotiating with Car Dealers

Car dealerships have long been a popular way to sell cars in the UAE and across the world. However, there is a significant risk of financial loss when selling a car through this platform. Car dealers are highly trained professionals who can convince car owners to sell their vehicles at a lower than market price. This financial risk becomes an even bigger concern for motorists who do not have prior experience in selling cars. Inexperienced sellers typically do not have strong negotiation skills, which is why car dealerships can easily trick them into selling their cars at a low resale value. This would not be a concern if car sellers choose to sell their cars through a professional car buying platform, which would give them a fair price for their vehicle.

Another point that car sellers should be aware of is a trade-in deal, often offered by car dealerships.  A trade-in deal means selling a used car and purchasing a new car from the same dealer, settling the net difference between the two payments. This kind of a deal is not beneficial for the car seller as it is considered one transaction, reducing the overall benefit that the customer can obtain. The seller can either benefit from selling the car at a good price or getting a discount on the purchase of a new one. On the other hand, if the car is sold through two separate transactions, both these benefits can be obtained.

Choosing a Specialist Car Buying Company Can Help in Selling a Car

Specialist car buying companies are perhaps among the best ways to sell a vehicle. These companies not only offer a fair resale value for a car, but they also protect sellers against scams and frauds. In addition to that, the mode of payment with professional car buying services is safe and reliable. Car owners will also not be required to give out personal information to strangers or have unknown people come to their place to inspect cars when they decide to sell their car through a professional car buying company. Offers the Best Way to Sell a Used Car in the UAE is the largest car buying platform in the UAE, which allows car sellers to sell their used vehicles in a 100% hassle-free manner. The company gives car sellers an opportunity to determine the value of their used cars through its two-step car valuation system that consists of online valuation and physical inspection. During the online valuation, the initial orientation price of a vehicle is determined based on the information provided by the seller about the age, make, model and condition of the vehicle. This is followed by a free inspection of the vehicle in which a vehicle is extensively checked by the experts of The company offers guaranteed purchase of every car that has been inspected by its experts and offers the final price at the end of the physical inspection. The entire process is completed quickly and if a seller agrees to the final offer, a vehicle can be sold to in just 30 minutes. In this way, selling a used car can become completely hassle-free, fast and convenient for car sellers.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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