Careless Drivers May Get Detained for 24 Hours in Dubai

Reckless drivers to be detained on over-speeding in UAE

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Careless driving is the chief cause of traffic deaths in Dubai according to the recent records. It has been recorded that almost 30% of the deadly accidents in Dubai are caused by careless driving. This alarming number has forced the traffic authorities to seek harsher penalties for the offenders.

Recommendation to Detain Careless Drivers

In a Federal Traffic Council Meeting, a recommendation was put forth to detain such careless drivers for 24 hours who exceeded the speed limit up to 50%.

Major General Mohammad Saif Ali Zafein, Chief of Dubai Police Traffic Department, revealed that the council has recommended the drivers to be held for over-speeding in its bid to reduce the fatal traffic accidents. He added that the deaths in traffic accidents had a fair share (70%) of reckless driving in the UAE. The drivers are continuously advised to drive within the speed limits but they don’t seem to care about the penalties and fines. This is why the Federal Traffic Council is now looking to detain such irresponsible drivers for 24 hours.

What do Records for Careless Driving Suggest?

Irresponsible driving at high speeds leads to most of the run-over accidents in UAE and such accidents account for 25% of all fatalities in road accidents. Among the accidents, the trucks account for 15%, motorbikes 5% while speeding over the stop signal accounts for 4% of these accidents. Among all the road accidents, 40% of them prove to be fatal and the authorities are finding the ways to reduce this rising number.

Other Recommendations made in the Meeting

Many other important ideas to stop the fatal accidents on roads were discussed. One important recommendation in this regard stated that a guardian will be allowed to train his or her, son/daughter, only if the guardian has the driving experience of 20 years and never got involved in a serious traffic accident.

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