Chairman of Dubai municipality calls for restrictions on cars’ ownership to solve the traffic problem

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Hussain Nasser Lootah, generaldirector of Dubai municipality in the United Arab Emirates demanded the need to put restrictions on cars’ ownership in the city and link the desire of ownershipwith the monthly salary and the number of family members in order to solve or minimize the traffic’s problem in the country. He said that the roads in the UAE are packed with large numbers of cars and the most of traffic’s problems in Dubai arise because peopleare going to their work with cars all the time. Mohammed Abdul KarimNemat, director of licensing at RTA in the Emirate of Dubai said that the number of cars in the emirate exceeded the million and hundred thousand cars which would increase the pressure on the road network which may lead to traffic’s crisis in the country. The “the national” newspaper in UAE issued a statement for Mr.Hussain Nasser where he said that the cost of owning a car here is very low so it is common here that the family owns more than one car.

Mr. Hussain Nasser believes that raising the auto insurance fees and parking fees will be among the proposals to solve thisproblem where he called the authorities to issue a new law that puts restrictions on car ownership in the country, he suggested increasing the minimum salary required for the person who wants to buy a car. Also, he pointed out to the possibility of reducing the companies’ share from the imported cars where he mentioned that the decline in the number of those cars will contribute very much to solve the traffic’s crisis. It is scheduled that Dubai city will organize “day without cars” event which is an initiative aimsto encourage people to use the public transportationswhen they go to their work. The “Golf Times” newspaper reported that participation in this day offers a chance to win a bike. Mr. Hussain Nasser hopes that 7000 citizens will leavetheir cars and go to work on public transportationsin this day.

The general command of Dubai police has launched the “While spots” initiative in the September, 2012 which included some financial rewards and exemptions for drivers who are committed to driving and traffic rules but the initiative with other traffic awareness campaigns have not achieved good results. Because of that, the generaldirector of Dubai municipality is thinking to put some restrictions on cars’ ownership after he figured out that these campaigns are not effective.


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