A Comprehensive Guide to Sell Your Used Car During the COVID-19 Pandemic


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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many industries including the automotive industry. With lockdowns, social distancing and remote working, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on our lives. Not unexpectedly, the pandemic has also affected how people sell and buy cars in the used car market of the UAE. The lifestyle change during the pandemic is gradually becoming a new normal but the question that arises is how much we have become accustomed to the new normal.

Let’s discuss how the pandemic has affected the used car market and the overall behaviors of the car sellers and buyers.

Online Car Selling During the Pandemic

With frequent lockdowns and travel restrictions and people confined to their homes, the pandemic drove life online. Normal everyday tasks have been performed through digital platforms during the pandemic including buying and selling cars. The pandemic convinced people to embrace the digital world of buying and selling cars online. A lot of people who weren’t completely on-board with the idea of online car sales either out of necessity or out of safety had to adapt to the pandemic.

Also read: How to Sell Your Car Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Selling Cars Online Is Quicker and Easier

Private car sellers really had to ponder over their decision to sell a car in the traditional way during the pandemic. What if they met with strangers (car buyers approaching through advertising platforms) who were carrying the virus or weren’t taking proper precautions? Consequently, more people accepted the idea of selling their vehicles through digital platforms to avoid physical interaction with people.

The importance of specialist car buying companies for selling used cars has increased tremendously during the pandemic. These companies offer a hassle-free method to sell any used car and also provide the facility to inspect used vehicles at your doorstep. There are several companies offering their car buying service to sellers, so it is important to identify the right platform based on the services offered and the overall reputation of a company in the market.

What Other Options Car Sellers Have for Selling their Vehicles During the Pandemic?

Considering the fact that car sellers will have to be physically involved in most of the car selling methods, the car selling process offered by specialist car buying companies is arguably the best. There are though other options available that car sellers can choose to sell their cars in the UAE market.

Selling a car through professional dealerships is common in the UAE, however, this is not a suitable method to sell a car at a fair price. Car sellers must also be mindful of the unlicensed dealers who can approach them through advertising platforms. Selling cars to such dealers can be seriously risky as it can lead to frauds or legal complications for car sellers.

On the other hand, authentic and licensed dealerships can trick car sellers into selling their vehicles at low prices. Dealers have exceptional negotiation skills and can easily convince car sellers to sell their cars at low prices.

The Best Way to Sell your Car Online

SellAnyCar.com is the largest car buying company in the UAE that offers car sellers the easiest way to sell their used cars. With a nationwide network of 29 branches in the UAE, SellAnyCar.com is a highly reliable platform that allows car sellers to sell any used car in the most hassle-free way.

The process starts with an online car valuation that provides sellers an estimate of the potential market value of their car within minutes. After that, an appointment has to be booked for the physical inspection of the vehicle. Sellers can take their car to any one of the branches of SellAnyCar.com to get their vehicle inspected.

After the vehicle is inspected thoroughly, a final price is offered to the seller. If the seller accepts the offer, a sales agreement is signed by the buyer and the seller. The payment for the vehicle is done through an electronic bank transfer after its deregistration.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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