Deviation Offences in Sharjah Mount Up to 5852 in 2015

Record number of deviation offences were recorded last year in Sharjah

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Careless and speedy deviations in busy traffic has serious pitfalls and can cause many horrendous accidents. But drivers in Sharjah seemed to be more impulsive in their attitude and frequently violated traffic rules with sudden deviations in 2015. Sharjah police records are a clear indicator of the fact that a massive violation of the deviation rules of Sharjah had been observed throughout the year by motorists having no regard for the traffic rules. 5852 is the number of recorded deviation offences in the year 2015 which is alarmingly high. It was also reported that the reckless deviations also led to 105 serious accidents.

How Fatal the Sudden Deviations Are

The sudden deviations in the heavily loaded traffic can be deadly not only for the offenders but for others too. The director of ‘Traffic Awareness’ and media section of Sharjah Police Major Abdul Rahman Khatr stated that the drivers did not care for the warnings issued to them from the police at the regular basis and paid heavy fines for it. He told that the efforts for restoring the peace of roads and make everyone aware of the traffic rules were doubled and that safety campaigns for all the motorists were already in action to spread awareness about safe driving.

The “Give Road its Right” Campaign

The “Give Road its Right” is the campaign launched for the purpose of briefing everyone about the sudden deviations and its dangers in Sharjah. This campaign is part of a total of 19 campaigns being run for this purpose. The brochures of this campaign have been spread all throughout Sharjah in Arabic, English and Urdu.

Careless Deviation and its Reasons

A sudden or careless deviation is actually the swift movement from one road lane to another without waiting for the other lane to get free of vehicles. These abrupt movements are deadly on most of the occasions. What’s worst about these deviations is that they don’t give any time to other vehicles on the road to react and the sufferings become obvious.

Following could be the chief reasons for careless deviations as per the study conducted by Sharjah Traffic Police:

  1. Distracted Attention
  2. Driving Tiredness
  3. Mobile Phone Use during Driving
  4. Exceeding the Traffic Speed Limits
  5. Avoiding the minimum distance between vehicles
  6. Entering a Lane Regardless Space Available

Fines and Black Points for Abrupt Traffic Deviations in Sharjah

A system of black points along with the fines is implemented in Sharjah so that the offenders can face the maximum penalties. The black points are issued against your driving license for every violation and if the number of black points goes above 24, a driving ban of one year for the driver is instigated. The number of black points depends on the type of violation made by you.

Following table highlights all the deviation related offences with their respective fines and black points:

Sharjah Police suggest citizens to follow traffic rules and regulations to avoid penalty

Also read; Dubai Police Traffic Violations and Fines

How to Avoid Sudden Traffic Deviation Penalties

In order to avoid sudden deviations and stay away from the fines, there are few tips from Sharjah Traffic Police that everyone should follow:

  • Use an Indicator before Changing the Lane
  • Check if the Lane you are intending to move is free of Vehicles
  • Observe any vehicle close to you while lane change
  • Steadily Change the Lane
  • Maintain Same Speed while changing the lane

Following these tips, you can save yourself and many others from the dangerous accidents caused by careless deviations.

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