Digital traffic lights are safety measures

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“traffic crisis”, two light words on the tongue but very heavy in the minds of many drivers who are wasting generously long hours of their day on the roads and are exposed on a daily basis to the tension inside their vehicles especially when they follow the instructions of traffic lights where the red color represents a psychological complex and undesirable thing for these drivers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the traffic lights are the most important inventions that were born in the last century after the invention of automobiles as they have a great role in the regulation of traffic on the roads with the distribution of transit rights to their owners. Without the existence of traffic lights, all the members in traffic authority are going to work in traffic regulation.

Issues about traffic jams in traffic lights do not extend to all of them where there are many of them do not cause any traffic problems in the streets depending on the area which they are located but there is another section of those traffic lights that excites the nerves of many drivers who may be waiting for tens minutes before crossing one of them and the examples are so many, perhaps everyone knows them from the repeated driving on the roads.

Because every second is precious among road users or it may be the cause of an accident or a traffic violation as a result of an error in estimating the time between “green” and “red” colors, the emirate of Ajman installed time meters “Digital Timer” on the traffic lights across the emirate about 5 years ago in order to notify the drivers and pedestrians with the time remaining for the opening and closing of traffic lights. These timers were like “pills soothe the nerves and tension caused by the length of the wait” and contributed effectively to help them make a decision to pass or stop which has had a significant impact on reducing the number of forbidden and dangerous “cutting” irregularities in addition to the reduction of many consequences in particular incidents that are mostly fatal.

This idea implemented by a traffic committee consists of the Police General Command in addition to the Department of Municipality and Planning to be Ajman, the first emirate that used this system which formed a safety net for road users and putted an end to the negative aspects of signals technology.



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