How to Drive Safely in Heavy Traffic during Ramadan?

How to Drive Safely in Heavy Traffic during Ramadan?

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As traffic authorities continue to issue alerts on heavy traffic regularly during Ramadan, it is time for motorists to understand what they can do to drive safely in a traffic congestion situation. Traffic jams have been on a rise across the UAE since the start of Ramadan, which has caused dangerous road situations including minor to major road accidents. Traffic jams trigger frustration amongst fasting motorists, which can increase the risk of dangerous road situations in heavy traffic. It is very important for motorists to know about safe driving practices that should be followed while driving in heavy traffic to avoid dangerous road accidents.

Here are some important safe driving practices to follow when you are stuck in a frustrating traffic jam in the UAE.

Get Rid of All Distractions while Driving

Traffic jams can be extremely frustrating at times and being stuck in a traffic jam can understandably increase the desire to use mobile phone or involve oneself in other distractions such as talking to other passengers in the vehicle. Motorists should always remember that no matter how frustrating it gets to drive in a traffic jam situation, they should always maintain 100% attention on the road. You would need to make quick maneuvers, leave enough distance between vehicles and look out for pedestrians crossing the road when you are stuck in a traffic jam. You can only drive safely in such a situation if your attention is completely undivided.

Also read: Ramadan Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Drive with a Defensive Approach

There are several driving skills that are part of defensive driving and as a motorist, you should adopt defensive driving to avoid a dangerous road situation whenever stuck in a traffic jam. You should be prepared to respond timely in an emergency situation and drive according to the traffic situation besides other important practices that can be adopted as part of a defensive driving approach.

Listed below are some of the defensive driving practices that can be followed while driving in a traffic jam situation:

  • Avoid driving unnecessarily in Ramadan, especially if you are feeling tired.
  • Maintain your focus on the road and look out for fatigued fasting motorists who can commit a driving mistake induced by lack of attention while driving.
  • Keep a safe distance from vehicles that are changing lanes too frequently or being driven in a dangerous manner.
  • Drive with the flow of traffic.
  • Don’t change lanes abruptly and use indicators while driving.
  • Avoid speeding to cross an intersection while the traffic light is still green.

Slow Down if You Spot Heavy Traffic from a Distance

To avoid getting stuck in a frustrating traffic congestion, you should slow down your vehicle on spotting a traffic jam from a distance. Slowing down on approaching a traffic jam can help you take an alternative route (if possible) or you can also wait for the heavy traffic to disperse before you reach it. Slowing down a vehicle will reduce your vehicle’s fuel consumption and will also help in avoiding a dangerous collision induced by over-speeding.

Also read: New Survey Reveals Reasons Behind Road Accidents during Ramadan

Use Lower Gears while Driving in a Traffic Jam

Using lower gears helps in controlling a vehicle better in heavy traffic. You would be able to apply brakes quickly and maneuver the vehicle safely in an emergency situation when you are driving in lower gears. This can be a helpful practice to drive safely through a challenging traffic jam situation

Also read: Ramadan Aman Campaign Launched by Dubai Traffic Police

Allow Yourself More Reaction Time while Driving in Heavy Traffic

It is important to allow oneself more reaction time than normal when you are driving in heavy traffic. Adopting practices to allow oneself enough reaction time is even more important for fasting motorists as they can experience low blood sugar levels and dehydration, which can reduce their reaction time in challenging road situations considerably.

To allow yourself more reaction time while driving in heavy traffic, you should:

  • Leave enough distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. Leave at least distance of a car’s length if it is possible or otherwise leave enough distance that can allow you enough time to apply brakes timely. Do not tailgate the vehicle ahead as this violation bears heavy traffic fines and penalties.
  • Be attentive on the road and adjust speed of the vehicle with the flow of traffic. It helps in increasing your reaction time to a challenging road situation such as sudden braking or a much-needed lane change.

Take a Break from Driving if You Feel Too Tired

If you are feeling too tired to drive, you should exit the highway and pull over whenever it is possible. Keep a wet towel with you and place it on your head while you pull over for a rest break. It will help in reducing the effect of heat and provide a calming effect to reenergize yourself. You should also keep an extra bottle of water with you to wet the towel whenever needed. You can also take a quick nap for a few minutes to feel fresh again. It is, however, very important to keep your hazard lights on to indicate others when you pull over to a roadside.

Be Safe Motorists!

Planning your trips matters a great deal not just in Ramadan, but also throughout the year. Motorists should plan their trip according to the updates on traffic situation provided by traffic authorities through their social media channels or electronic media. Google Maps can also help in identifying the congested areas and by slightly delaying or leaving a bit early for a journey, you can potentially save yourself from the frustration of being stuck in heavy traffic.

Motorists should also plan their trip in a way that they always allow themselves a time buffer of 15 to 20 minutes so that they don’t have to rush towards their destinations, especially near Iftar time. All these proactive yet defensive driving practices should be followed by motorists to avoid dangerous road situations during Ramadan.

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