Dubai Exhibition – Hybrid Cars Racing

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Concentration of manufacturers at the Dubai International Motor Show including corporate welfare competent luxury car on the concept of hybrid cars that rely on electricity as well as fossil fuels or those that depend on clean energy (electricity) only.
Mamdouh Khairallah, the general manager of sales at the German BMW company in remarks for “Sky News Arabia” said that this type of hybrid vehicles will receive a huge success if the car charging style with electricity is simple instead of the private charging stations”.
The exhibition witnessed the launch of Japanese Nissan’s electric car “Nissan Leaf” which can go about 200 miles before the need to charge a second time according to the company officials announced. The Japanese rival Toyota also showed it’s expertise in hybrid engines through its participation in the exhibition which will be provided in the famous Piraeus and Camry cars in the future.

The Lexus, which is considered a specialist wing of the luxury car industry in Toyota introduced several models of hybrid cars such as CTH, RXH, GSH and LSH which enabled by the hybrid drive technique based on fuel and electricity together.
The Lexus hybrids drive technology allows relying on the electric driving style that allows operation of the vehicle at low speeds without burning biodiesel fuel according to Saud Abbasi, General Manager of Lexus cars distributors in the UAE, the company will celebrate after months with the tenth anniversary of the patented launch of the hybrids driving technology.
The company unveiled the model of the luxury LF-LC hybrid car which it considers the most luxurious models of Lexus, which will reach the market within two years according to the company. The car based on the hybrids driving technology that combine the ability of the electric engine and the fuel engine that generate pulling power in excess of 550 horsepower.
The German BMW company introduced it’s hybrid model “i8” through it’s participation in the exhibition. “i8” model is one of it’s cars models which equipped with front engine working with electricity and a rear engine working with fuel. Khairallah explained the fact that the car rely on electricity does not mean it need to be equipped with special equipments for charging process but can be charged with electricity through the normal house sources, note that the speed of the electric engine alone does not exceed 35 kilometers per hour.
German Porsche also introduced a hybrid model of the famous luxury car “Panamera” during the exhibition.
Breaking into the field of hybrid vehicles was not limited to the companies with long experience in the automotive industry where the Arabic W Motors company which was launched since one year introduced year the sport hybrid “LYKAN” car that will reach the market in 2014.

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