Dubai has ‘world’s smallest ambulance’ for off-roaders

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World records in the field of cars is mostly awarded in the aspect of highest speed and most expensive. This time round, The Dubai Corporation of Ambulance Services (DCAS) unveiled the world’s smallest ambulance. It has never been on the Dubai car market before hence first of its kind. The supercar is shaped as a 6X6 ambulance, well-equipped with a medical kit to serve the intended purpose of an ambulance. It has two seats to be occupied by attendants and the driver.

The small car is designed and built to navigate through a large crowd, access hard to reach locations and maneuver through narrow passages ordinary ambulances cant access in time of emergency to save life. It has been tested and approved in testing facility concerning different road tracks like rugged desert terrains, steep slopes and slippery roads among others. This gives it a higher car rating compared to usual ambulances in terms of swiftness for it intended job like being a first respondent vehicle during emergencies.

It has a strong aluminum patient compartment modified to have a lighting system, generator, an electric system and air conditioner. It’s capable of carrying a maximum of four bicycles at ounce. The ambulance will be situated in a location where high population of tourists is believed to be like near Burj Khalifa and Jumeirah Beach Residence. It is believed to be the safest UTV based off-rod ambulance on the car market

Last Year DCAS added a Lotus supercar to its fast fleet that already includes two Ford mustangs whose target is to ensure that compact cars reach where bigger ambulances cannot.  The interior of the lotus and mustangs is well stocked with 60 per cent of the medical equipment of a full-sized paramedic van.

These super cars reduce the response time from eight minus to four minutes in the struggle to save life as they wait for emergency back up to arrive.

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