Engine Care: How to Protect Your Engine for its Long Life

Engine Care: How to Protect Your Engine for its Long Life

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Engine is the most vital part of a vehicle and its care is very important especially in summer season. The chances of wear and tear of engine increase in rough weather and that is where you need to be cautious and get your engine checked and serviced by a mechanic on regular basis. Engines in modern cars are based on the most cutting-edge technologies and have a long life but they still need regular maintenance. Engine’s regular care extends its life and helps it perform the core functions of a vehicle without any halt.

We shall discuss here few important engine care tips which can enhance the life of your car’s engine.

Oil Check on Regular Basis

As humans need food and water to live, engine needs good oil to last. Good oil here does not suggest any specific oil brand but it signifies the nature of oil you have in your engine. The oil should always be in a reasonable condition for smooth functioning of engine. Regular oil checkups are important to ensure oil’s level in the tank and to check its lubrication. Engine oil change is necessary after a particular period of time and you need to do it as per your car’s manual instructions. The requirement for oil change in different vehicles varies and climatic conditions also play a major part here. In summers, you might have to go for an early oil change as compared to winters or other seasons. Waiting too long for an oil change can destroy the efficiency of engine and can at times lead to permanent damage. Other than that, engine parts like Oil Filter must also be checked on regular basis and changed if required to avoid accumulation of dirt in the engine.

Oil Check on Regular Basis

Coolant Level in Radiator

When engine runs your car for longer durations, it is bound to get heated. This is where the maintenance of radiator, thermostat coolant and water pump becomes very important. All of these parts collectively serve as the cooling unit for car’s engine. In countries like UAE, coolant levels must be properly checked in the radiator. Whenever engine gets too hot in summer, thermostat detects the need for circulation of coolant to lower the temperature. This is why maintaining appropriate coolant levels and getting radiator and thermostat properly checked at regular intervals helps to extend the life of your engine.

Coolant Level in Radiator

Related blog: Car Maintenance Advice for a Daunting Summer Season

Engine Belts

Engine belts are vital to the whole performance of your engine as they control major important functions. Some of the most significant functions controlled by these belts are working of the fan, water pump and air conditioner. Engine belts usually have a long life but after a certain time period, they start showing signs of breaking. You must get them changed at right time to avoid uneasy circumstances caused as result of breaking of engine belts while driving.

Replace Engine Belts

Engine Air filter

Air filters have a primary role to play when it comes to maintaining the health of your engine. They remove dirt, dust, impurities and bugs from entering into the engine. Air filter allows the engine to breathe freely by keeping it cleaned from all impure particles. You need to get your engine air filter cleaned on regular basis to make sure it does not impure the engine. You might need to get it changed after a specific time period when just cleaning it won’t serve the purpose.

Engine Air filter

Fill Your Fuel Tank Before it Gets Empty

You should never wait for your fuel tank to get completely empty before you get it filled. What happens when the tank completely dries up is that it sets a layer of sediments at bottom of the fuel tanks. The sediments from there can enter the fuel lines and engine and disrupt smooth functioning of engine. Though the fuel filter cleans up most of sediments, the continuous emptying of tank can lead to accumulation of too much of sediments in the bottom which is injurious to engine’s health.

Fill Your Fuel Tank Before it Gets Empty

Engine Care Enhances the Resale Value of your Car

It is imperative to know that you must take care of your engine to keep your car in best shape. It also makes sure that your car maintains decent performance for a longer stretch of time. Whenever you will make your mind to sell your car, the health of your engine will play a major part in determining resale value of your car. Other than that, engine care is also important to prevent your car from breaking down. We recommend motorists in the UAE to keep their cars in best health by taking care of engine of their cars especially in the daunting summer season. It will save you from a number of miseries which occur due to engine’s malfunctioning.

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