Ford Cars Slow When They See Speed-limit Signs

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One of the best ways to estimate car value is by looking at the technology that has been integrated into the automobile. The human element is being chipped away at with some cars now even going as far as being driverless.

Renowned American car maker Ford has introduced technology into its cars that will add a whole new safety dimension to the vehicles on the road. This technology will enable the car to read road signs and thus adjust the speed to ensure that the car does not go over the speed limit of a given stretch. The speed limit will be shown alongside other car information on the dashboard within the speedometer.

Ford intends to introduce this technology to the public in August when it unleashes its new generation S-Max cars for sale in Europe. The Intelligent Speed Limiter, as the tech has been christened, will greatly reduce the burden of fines obtained through over speeding. It applies traffic sign recognition technology and adjustable speed limiters mounted on the wheels to limit the speed of the car to that depicted by the road sign.

Other car makers are not resting on their laurels and have also incorporated sensor based technologies to increase safety. Examples include China’s Volvo that has sensors that detect if bicycles swerve in front of cars and thus applies the brakes. Mercedes-Benz also has its Steering Assist system that prevents drivers from coming too close to the car in front or from unintentionally veering from their lane.


courtesy Ford, Volvo, Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia

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