Half Yearly Car Maintenance Guide

Car half yearly maintenance guide

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Everyone hates to get stuck on road and it gets more troublesome when you are on a family trip and suddenly face a vehicle break down. Then, finding a mechanic or some nearby auto shop is another challenge. However, these unpleasant situations can be avoided or you can be prepared before time for fixing them. You just need to be aware of some important car parts and have proper maintenance after every 6 months to prevent vehicle failure.

Following is the list of elements to be serviced after every six months.

Fluid for Automatic Transmission

There is a fluid for automatic transmission used in automatic vehicle. The fluid level needs to be checked after every 6 months to make sure its level and quality is effective.

Automatic transmission fluid-change

Engine belts

You need to make sure that engine belts are in good working condition as if any engine belt breaks during its running condition, it can seriously affect engine.

Engine belts

Also read; Quarterly Car Maintenance Guide

Lubrication of Chassis

Lubrication of chassis prevents the car from squeaking. These are sounds coming from the suspension of a vehicle and the lubrication of chassis is required to avoid that. Proper service of chassis after six months saves the suspension and steering from potential damage and does not lead to expensive replacement of multiple parts.

Car chassis

Indicator Lights on Dashboard

The indicator lights of dashboard display important warning signals and other symbols of car functions e.g. fuel notification, A/C, speed and time etc. on dashboard screen. You need their 6 months checkup to make sure all indicators are working fine.

Check all dashboard lights

Air Filter of the Engine

Air filter prevents dust, crude particles and air pollutants from entering into the engine. It needs to be clean for smooth functioning of engine.

Car engine air filter

Engine Oil Condition

Engine oil is essential to engine’s performance. The Engine oil is checked at the 6 months checkup to make sure if the oil does not lack the lubrication and changed if needed.

Engine oil

Exhaust System

The exhaust system of car should be inspected thoroughly because driving a car with broken exhaust pipe can make you susceptible to the leakage of harmful gases into the car cabin.

Car exhaust system


Hoses are used for coolant transfer and they are prone to early damage because of the high temperature of coolant they tolerate especially in summer. They must be replaced if needed at the six months checkup.

Car hoses and pipes to be checked

All Lights

The automotive lights of car that include headlights, taillights, mirror- mounted turn signal, fog lamps, and daytime running lights needs proper service and checkup to function correctly.

Check all car lights after 6 months

Fluid For Power Steering

Power steering of car uses fluid oil to smoothly maneuver and turn wheels. The fluid level should be enough to operate properly.

power steering fluid

Tyre Pressure & Tread Condition

Tyre pressure should be checked regularly along with overall tyre condition because cracks and bulges can cause tyre burst during middle journey which can lead to severe accident.

tyre pressure

Try the Dirham test to check the tyre tread. Place the coin between tyre tread and ribs. If the top of the image on the coin cannot be seen then it’s time to change the tyre.

Check the tyre tread by penny test

Also read: Experts Warn Motorists to Check Car Tyres in Summers to Avoid Blowouts

Washing Fluid of the Windshield

The washing fluid of the car should be filled in order to keep windscreen clean. Add washing fluid of windshield in your six months checkup list too.

Windscreen washing fluid

Wiper Blades Functioning

You may immediately need windshield wipers if your existing pair is not cleaning the screen properly. For this, check functioning of wipers in overall maintenance service of the car.

Wiper blades need to be replaced timely

Hence, this extensive car maintenance checkup in mid- year will prevent you from many unpleasant situations and will also enhance vehicle performance.

The maintenance cost of an old car can prove to be very expensive as ageing of a car makes most of its vital parts and accessories vulnerable to wear and tear. If you feel, you are not able to manage your monthly budget due to high costs of repair and maintenance of your car then it’s high time to sell it and buy a new one.

SellAnyCar.com buys any car in any condition in just 30 minutes time even if the car is a non-runner. Bring your damaged / wrecked / non-runner car to us and we promise to buy it at a fair price.


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