How Helps in Selling a Used Car Safely?

How Helps in Selling a Used Car Safely?

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Safely selling a used car can be a serious challenge for inexperienced car sellers. There are many ways fraudsters can trick car sellers, which is why it is essential to choose a reliable car selling platform. From using a dud cheque to running away with the vehicles while test driving them, different types of car scams have been recorded in the UAE during the last few years. The authorities have always been on a high alert to help people avoid such situations, however, a drastic improvement in this regard can only be possible if car owners act more carefully. Such frauds can be avoided by choosing a reliable platform to sell a used car. Since most car frauds and scams occur because of choosing an unreliable platform, car sellers can make their lives easy by choosing a platform that ensures 100% safety and convenience. is the leading car buying company in the UAE that makes selling a used car completely safe and hassle-free for car sellers. It offers a guaranteed purchase of every car regardless of its age, make, model and condition. The entire method is transparent with car sellers aware of every step along the way so that they are reassured of safety and security while selling used cars. In addition to this, has a reliable reputation in the UAE, thanks to the fair and professional services offered by the company.

Selling a used car privately can be challenging particularly for sellers who lack relevant car selling experience. Sellers who opt for classified websites to sell their cars should reconsider as classified platforms can be used by fraudsters to trick innocent car sellers. offers a safe and professional car buying service that makes the car selling process for sellers hassle-free and fair. Given below are the services offered by that make it a a safe choice for car sellers.

Also read: What Makes a Unique Car Buying Platform?

A Comprehensive Car Evaluation Service

Determining the value of your vehicle is perhaps the most important part of the car selling process. Professional dealers can evaluate a vehicle for its resale price; however, it may involve a car evaluation fee and may not be 100% accurate. On the other hand, using online listings for car value determination only provides a rough estimate as sellers may have overpriced their vehicles in an attempt to get a higher resale price.

On the other hand, the process of car valuation can become a lot easier and reliable by choosing the car valuation service of As a specialist car buying company, provides an advanced car selling process to help car sellers determine the value of their vehicles.

Car sellers can get to know the actual resale value of their car through a two-step process at In the first step, a car is evaluated online through the online car valuation tool of the company. This tool has been designed to calculate the potential market price of a vehicle based on the information provided by the car sellers about the make, model, condition and age of the vehicle.

After the online valuation, a vehicle is thoroughly checked by the experts of the company at one of the nationwide branches of During the physical inspection of the vehicle, the experts inspect its condition and take a test drive to determine the actual price.

 A professional car evaluation can help car sellers in knowing the actual value of their car in the used car market. This practice can be useful in avoiding a major problem that refers to overvaluing or undervaluing a vehicle, which can make it difficult to find a potential car buyer or result in a financial loss.

Also read: How to Maintain your Car’s Resale Value in the UAE?

The Safest Alternative to Trade-ins

Many car dealerships in the UAE offer trade-in service to car owners that refers to exchanging a vehicle with a new one by settling the difference between two payments. However, trading-in a vehicle can result in a financial loss for the seller. Dealers usually offer a discount on the price of a new car when a car owner accepts the trade-in deal, however, it can potentially result in selling a used vehicle at a price that is below its market value. A trade-in deal can never be profitable for a car owner as dealers can get the most out of this deal. Car owners should ideally sell their used vehicle and buy a new one separately so that they can negotiate for a fair deal on both accounts. Moreover, dealers always maintain an upper hand in the trade-in process due to their vast experience of the used car market and expert negotiation skills.

On the other hand, offers the best market price after its detailed inspection. After selling a car to, sellers can purchase any car from any dealership and can negotiate a suitable discount. By separating these two transactions, seller can get a fair price for their used car and get a good discount on the purchase of a new car. In this way, sellers can maximise their profits and secure both benefits that would otherwise be significantly reduced in a trade-in deal.

Non-Obligatory, No Cost Service

Adding to the stress of car sellers is also the fact that most car buying companies charge a fee for every service they offer be it car evaluation, paperwork, advertising, or comprehensive car inspection. However, has a no cost, no obligation service for selling a used car where car sellers can opt out any time. provides a free and transparent platform for car sellers and all its services are completely free and non-binding.

Also read: How to Avail a No Costs No Obligation Service for Selling Your Used Car in the UAE?

Guaranteed Purchase of Any Used Car ensures a guaranteed purchase of any car that has been inspected by its experts regardless of its age, make, model and condition. Car owners will be pleasantly surprised to know that will buy old, accident-damaged and even totaled cars. The condition of a vehicle is thoroughly examined before the automotive experts make a final decision about its resale price.

Once the seller accepts the offer, the car is immediately purchased by Private sales or selling a car through professional dealers pose the biggest risk of not being able to sell an old car at its best price. Dealers are not interested in old cars and many dealerships only prefer buying select brands. Car sellers do not have to face this problem when selling their vehicles to as the company ensures guaranteed purchase of every car that has been inspected by its experts.

Safe and Secure Payment

A final offer is given to the seller after its detailed inspection. If the offer is accepted by the seller, a sales agreement is signed between the seller and The payment for the vehicle is secured through electronic bank transfer after the title transfer of the vehicle. In this way, sellers can be completely at peace when they sell their car to

This is the most important part of services offered by as this is where most other platforms lack transparency. In particular, the classified websites do not have any authentic payment gateway or a systematic approach to ensure the safety of payments. This is what makes the classified platforms vulnerable to fraudulent deals. Car sellers must always be very careful when dealing with private buyers as a small mistake can lead to huge financial loss. Offers the Most Financially Secure Car Selling Process is undoubtedly the safest way to sell a car in the UAE in the most hassle-free manner. With a network of nationwide branches, any car can be sold to in just 30 minutes regardless of its condition. The reliability, effectiveness, and transparent nature of the process set apart and make it the most well-reputed car buying company in the UAE.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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