Importance of Accurately Determining the Resale Value of a Vehicle in the UAE


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Determining the actual resale value of a used vehicle is important for car owners whenever they decide to sell their vehicle in the used car market. The resale price of a used vehicle can be determined through various ways, however, car sellers should compare all the available options to choose the right platform for their vehicle’s evaluation. The accurate information about the potential market price of a used vehicle can help car sellers in selling their vehicles at a good price.

There are some important factors that should be considered for the accurate evaluation of a used vehicle. Among the common options available for a vehicle’s evaluation, specialist car buying companies offer the most comprehensive and reliable platform.

Why it is Important to Know the Actual Resale Value of a Vehicle?

Knowing the actual resale value of a vehicle is important for selling it at a fair price in the UAE. The availability of a large variety of both new and old vehicles in the UAE car market makes it difficult for car sellers to attract the attention of serious buyers. One practice that can make it easier to find a potential buyer is to demand a realistic price whenever you decide to sell your car. Most car buyers often overprice their vehicles, which can make it difficult for them to find a serious buyer.

Finding a Serious Buyer Becomes Easier

It can become easier for car sellers to find a potential buyer if they determine the actual price of their vehicle beforehand. This practice can help avoid overestimating the value of a used car, which can limit the scope of finding a buyer. Car sellers can often overprice their vehicles when they do not use a professional service for car value determination.

You Can Negotiate Better with a Professional Dealer

Determining the actual resale price of a vehicle ahead of selling it can help car sellers in negotiating for a fair resale price, particularly with the used car dealers. Thanks to their experience and exceptional negotiation skills, dealers can easily trick car sellers into selling their vehicles at low prices. Getting the value of a vehicle determined through a professional service beforehand can help car sellers in avoiding a financial loss while selling their vehicles to dealers.

How to Evaluate a Used Car?

The resale value of a used car can be determined by considering some essential factors including the age, make, model and condition of a vehicle. In addition to this, several other factors can impact the resale value of a used car and the actual price of a vehicle can only be determined through a professional car valuation service. Car sellers should be careful and choose the right option for their vehicle’s evaluation after comparing the advantages and disadvantages of all the available options.

Given below are three options that are commonly used by car sellers for the evaluation of their vehicles:

Classified Websites

Classified websites are used by many car sellers for determining the market value of a vehicle. Many similar vehicles with different prices are available for purchase at these websites. Car sellers can compare the prices given at these websites to get an idea about the market value of their vehicle. However, prices that are mentioned on these websites are mostly the wishlists of other sellers and they cannot help the sellers in accurately determining the actual resale price of their vehicles.

Car Dealerships

Several car dealerships offer the service of car evaluation to car sellers, however, they often charge a fee for this service. On the other hand, dealers might not evaluate your car if it does not belong to a select car brand. Some dealerships are bound in a contract with select car brands and they do not offer their services for other car brands.

Specialist Car Buying Companies

The actual resale price of a vehicle can be determined effectively by opting for a specialist car buying company. These companies have a professional car valuation procedure that can help in determining the actual resale price of a vehicle without any hassle.

On top of that, most of these specialist cars buying companies do not charge any service fee for evaluating used vehicles. This is arguably the most comprehensive and reliable option for value determination of a used car in the UAE.

How Can Help with Car Valuation? is the largest car buying company in the UAE that can help car sellers in selling their used vehicles without any hassle. Professional evaluation of a used car is also a part of the comprehensive car buying service offered by

The process of car valuation is divided into two steps, which include the online valuation and the physical inspection of the vehicle. During the online valuation, a vehicle is evaluated based on the information submitted by the sellers into the online valuation tool of the company. The online value provides the initial orientation price of a used vehicle and cannot be considered the final resale price.

The final resale price of a vehicle is determined after a thorough inspection for which car sellers need to book an appointment, following the online valuation of their vehicles. During the physical inspection, all the essential evaluation factors are brought into consideration to determine the actual resale price of a vehicle.

This two-step car valuation process ensures that car sellers get to know the right market price of their used cars. After the entire evaluation process, car sellers can also sell their vehicles directly to or they can simply walk away without paying any fee if they do not like the final offer. The entire evaluation process is highly reliable and is completely free of cost.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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