What are the key points for car service?

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Experts recommend the motorists and the owners of vehicles to service them every 5,000km.

Sanjay Taturari, a car service manager based in Dubai, recommended servicing a vehicle every 5,000 kilometres due to the “severe weather conditions in this region.”

This applies especially to the vehicles used under the following conditions:

• Frequent short trips when driving less than 10 kilometres per day.

• Driving in dusty conditions.

• Long periods of engine idling or running a vehicle’s engine when the vehicle is not in motion.

• Frequent stopping and starting.

• Sustained high speed driving.

• Desert operation.

• Trailer towing.


Regular maintenance

According to a recent BBC report, the servicing schedule ensures that the engine is running correctly, there are no problems with the brakes, the tyres are correctly inflated and the filters are changed regularly. If all that is attended to properly, there will be fewer problems with your vehicle.

When going to a certified garage to get your vehicle serviced, owners need to take care of the following:

• Replace engine oil and filter.

• Inspect air filter — clean or replace if required.

• Inspect tyre pressure and inflate as per manufacturers specification.

• Check all tyres for cracks and damages and inspect tread depth.

• Inspect brake pads/shoes, brake discs/drums and the parking brake.

• Inspect battery — check terminals, electrolyte level and do the load test.

• Check all fluid levels — brake fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, coolant, windshield washer fluid.

• Check suspension components for cracks and damages, torn rubber bushes and grease or oil leak.

• Check fuel pipes for leaks and damages.

• Check all malfunction indicator lamps on the dashboard.

Considering the weather conditions in the UAE, experts state that getting the air conditioning serviced regularly is a must.


Air quality

According to the Automobile Association (AA) based in the UK, regular servicing of the air conditioning in your car is important for good health and to ensure that the system is working effectively. They state on their official website (theaa.com) that at least 15 per cent of the refrigerant gas in the system is lost annually. Some tips that they share:

• Have the refrigerant gas checked regularly and topped up to manufacturers’ recommended levels.

• Help improve hygiene and air quality with a regular cabin filter change, as it can become blocked with pollen.

• Cleaning the air duct helps remove the bacteria and fungi that can cause unpleasant odours.


Temperature issues

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, based in Washington DC, USA, provides tips on the do’s and dont’s of vehicle safety, especially during the summer.

• Never leave children or pets in a vehicle unattended. Temperatures can rise dangerously high in just a few minutes even with the windows cracked.

• To avoid burns, use caution when entering a vehicle with dark interiors, especially leather, which can become too hot to even touch.

• Check your car´s cooling system, coolant level, engine hoses, drive belts and battery.

• Keep an eye on the engine temperature gauge on the dashboard to check whether the engine is overheating. In case of heating, stop the car and call for assistance. If no steam or spray is present, keep the engine running and open the bonnet. However, if steam or spray is present, turn off the engine and wait until it subsides. Then open the bonnet. Call for assistance.

• Keeping tires properly inflated and maintained is not only safe, but benefits fuel efficiency. Try to inflate tires when they’ve been parked for a while.

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