Latest Self-driving Google Car Heading to Public Streets

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The first driverless car ever built from scratch in the car history is set to hit public streets and car market courtesy of the Google Company. The smart car is able to automatically do the following without human guidance or help: it can drive, brake and detect road hazards. It has great improved features totally different from the prototype the car introduced recently.

Unfortunately, the car lacks airbags and other essential safety features meaning it can go for a maximum of 25 miles per hour. This is a precaution to ensure safety of people on board. Every after 80miles it charged and can only drive in areas mapped by google. The car is designed to have only a gas pedal and steering in addition to a driver taking control anytime he/she feels like.

Google is expected to produce few pods which will be operating in the surrounding of the company. These cars are aimed at eliminating human-error thus enabling them to deal with traffic congestion besides being able to transport elderly and disabled people. The idea of driverless cars is expected to be borrowed by other automakers though they are less ambitious in that field.

The company insists that it will not rush into putting the vehicle on the road without carrying out car assessment on the driverless in all general aspects a normal car must satisfy to be licensed to operate. Some factors like safety, performance and reliability among others.

There are serious questions that raise concern causing doubt in the minds of people going to use driverless cars like who is liable if a driverless vehicle gets involved in an accident and how will these driverless vehicles interact with the ordinary vehicles.

The company is set to design a website that will educate people about the self-driving cars, update them on the improvements on the car and also collect feedback from people which is critical in the design of driverless vehicles.

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