Maximum Speed Limit Decreased for Two Major Roads in Dubai

Maximum Speed Limit Decreased for Two Major Roads in Dubai

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In an important new development, the traffic authorities in Dubai have announced a change in the speed limit for two major roads. The maximum speed limit for Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road has been decreased and the new speed limit will be implemented on these roads from October 15, 2017. The decrease in the speed limit of these roads has been announced after the authorities observed a gradually worsening road safety situation since the start of 2016.

The penalties for speeding violations have observed a significant rise in the newly amended traffic law and motorists can face a maximum fine of AED 3,000 for an over-speeding violation if they exceed the speed limit of a road by more than 80 Km/h.

New Speed Limits for Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road

The maximum speed limit has been decreased from 120 Km/h to 110 Km/h for Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road. The grace speed of 20 Km/h will remain the same on both roads. This means that the speed cameras on both the highways will now mark it as a traffic violation when motorists drive a vehicle at a speed more than 130 Km/h.

Also read: Traffic Violations Decrease in Dubai after Implementation of the Newly Amended Traffic Law

Why has the Speed Limit been decreased?

The speed limit on two major roads of Dubai has been changed after a significant rise in fatal road accidents was observed on these roads. The major objective of decreasing the speed limit on these roads is to reduce the number of dangerous road accidents and improve the road safety situation in Dubai. According to CEO of RTA’s Traffic and Roads Agency, Maitha Mohammad Bin Adai, the decrease in the speed limit on two of the busiest roads in the country is a result of extensive research conducted on traffic safety and accident data collected over a period of last few years which also includes the causes of these accidents.

According to Dubai Police, during the first half of 2017, there have been 99 accidents recorded on the Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road in which 6 people died and 78 were left injured. Last year, 196 accidents were recorded on this road, resulting in 33 fatalities and 249 injuries. Similarly, the authorities recorded 40 accidents on the Emirates Road in the first half of 2017, which resulted in 10 deaths and 75 injuries. In 2016, the same road saw 86 accidents in which 29 people were killed and 147 were left injured.

Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road observe maximum heavy vehicle traffic on both sides of the road. According to Dubai Police, at least 60% of the accidents recorded on these roads in 2017 were caused by over-speeding, which is why the authorities have decreased the maximum speed limit on these roads. The speed limit has been decreased in line with the Dubai Police’s strategy that aims at reducing traffic accidents to a bare minimum in the emirate.

Controlling the Speed Limits Can Be Effective in Reducing Road Accidents

The CEO of RTA’s Road and Traffic Agency, Maitha Mohammad Bin Adai explained that controlling the speed limit on roads can contribute towards decreasing the number of traffic accidents. According to Maitha Mohammad Bin Adai, following factors were studied and analyzed in the whole procedure that was followed to control the speed limits on these roads:

  • Designed Speed of the Road
  • Actual Speed Observed by a Majority of Drivers
  • Degree of Urbanization on both Sides of the Road
  • Pedestrian Traffic
  • Presence of Schools, Mosques and Other Such Facilities on a Road
  • Traffic Volume on a Road
  • Number of Traffic Accidents Recorded on a Road
  • Probability of Serious Accidents Recorded on a Road

All these factors are analyzed over a period of time before the authorities implement a change in speed limits. As all the major road safety aspects are considered in this procedure, the ultimate focus of controlling the speed limit revolves around improving the road safety by reducing the number of traffic accidents.

Also read: 3 Deadliest Traffic Violations of 2017 in Dubai Revealed

Traffic Penalties for Over-speeding Violations

The penalties for over-speeding violations have been increased in the UAE after the implementation of the newly amended traffic law. In the new traffic law, the traffic fines and other penalties for speeding violations have been classified on the basis of the amount of over-speeding committed by the motorists.

Listed below are the new penalties for speeding violations in Dubai:

Traffic Penalties for Over-speeding Violations

Along with heavy fines, over-speeding can now potentially lead to cancellation of a driver’s license and confiscation of a vehicle. In order to avoid these heavy penalties, motorists must comply with the decreased speed limits on the Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road. A careful approach will not only save motorists from traffic penalties, but will also prevent them from dangerous situations on the road caused by over-speeding.

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