Motor automobiles and road safety

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Motor automobiles have been in use the wide-ranging in the United States and Europe. Thus protection moralities were first well-known in these places. For occurrence, in the United States the amount of seat-belt use had inflamed to 83% by 2008. Automobiles made in the United States once conquered the auto market, but car producers in Japan renovated them long ago. However, South Korea and more freshly China and India have activated taking a larger chunk of automobiles sales.

The newfangled auto producers make much less luxurious vehicles, in nations where the reduced has grown quickly. Many people can now have enough money their own automobiles, where they when could not. The security standards and tools developed in the United States, Europe, and Japan are being practical to automobiles everywhere the world.

Despite that, accident rates have skyrocketed, particularly in Asia. More than half of the world’s traffic fatalities occur in the Asia Pacific region despite the fact that only one in five of the world’s motor vehicles are registered there. Currently, more than half the traffic fatalities in the Asia Pacific region occur in China and India. By 2020 the United Nations estimates that about two-thirds of the world’s road deaths will occur in that region. The steepest increases are predicted to be in China, Southeast Asia, and India, where road-death rates will likely rise by 92%, 144%, and 147%, respectively.

Road safety depends on a combination of factors: the technical safety of vehicles themselves; the behavior of drivers, riders, and pedestrians; and the quality of roads. All these aspects arouse concern in more recently motorized Asian countries, places with lots of new drivers. For example, driving standards are low in India and China, resulting in much careless driving and speeding. The use of seat belts and motorcycle helmets is required in most Asian countries, but many people do not use this equipment because enforcement of the law varies widely. Child restraints are not yet widely mandated. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is also a major problem in some countries, and enforcement of the laws against it may be weak.

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