Motorists Unhappy with Trash Can Speed Radars in Dubai

: Dubai Police set hidden speed radars in Trash cans to catch over-speeding

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Dubai Traffic Authorities have put Trash Can shaped Speed Radars on multiple internal roads of Dubai to catch all possible speed violations. These radars recorded more than 30,000 speed violations in the months of February and March. The motorists seem unhappy with the trash can speed radars as these radars are difficult to locate. The motorists have put their rage on social media and complained about facing repeated fines for over speeding detected by the trash can radars.

Setting Trash Can Speed Radars on roads is a Tactical Move

The trash can speed radars have been set by the traffic authorities in Dubai to catch the speed limit offenders on different roads in Dubai. These radars are difficult to locate and do their work in a very convincing manner.  Addressing the concerns of the motorists, Colonel Jamal Al Bannai who is the acting director of the traffic department said, motorists should not care about the shape of the radars as what matters, in the end, is that they are over-speeding and the radar is recording that. He also added that people think that they can avoid fines by slowing down in the areas where radars are fixed. According to him it is a false perception as these radars can cover the range of 150Km and detect violations of over speeding, use of mobile phones while driving and failure to fasten the seat belts. There are many frequently asked questions regarding laws for reckless drivers which could increase road safety.

Read also; Dubai Police Traffic Violations and Fines

Records Show Massive Speed Violations

The records of the traffic authorities suggest that a single trash can speed radar recorded 35,000 speed violations on internal roads of Dubai in the months of February and March. In February the Radar was set at Al-Fursan Road of Dubai that has a speed limit of 60km/h. There were 22,903 instances recorded when the motorists were found driving at 90km/h. On other 9217 instances, the motorists drove at 110km/h. There were even 152 radar records to show, where the drivers drove between 130-140km/h.

Official Statement on Speed Violation Records

The Assistant Commander in Chief of the Dubai Police for Operations Major General Mohammed Saif Ali Zafin stated that the trash can speed radars function to catch the speeds of motorists driving over 90km/h on roads having speed limits of 60km/h. He told that there was no point in driving 50% above the defined speed limits and the motorists were to face the fines for these violations. The car information will not be revealed but violators will not be able to escape.

Why Motorists are not Happy

Motorists driving on the roads are unhappy with the trash can speed radar system for two fundamental reasons. Firstly, many of them are not able to locate the speed radars; recording their speeds. Secondly, they have been repeatedly fined for over speeding offence. The uncertainty in the minds of motorists about the new trash can speed radars has given rise to a debate especially on social media and other public forums. But the traffic authorities seem to stick to their stance as they want to punish the offenders so that they learn and don’t repeat the same offence again and again.

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Image Source: Khaleej Times

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