New Road Side Sensors to Detect Noisy vehicles in Abu Dhabi

New noise detecting sensors will be used in Abu dhabi to reduce noise pollution

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Vehicles producing noise above limit in Abu Dhabi will now be tracked and their drivers will be charged with fines and penalties. A new radar system is developed to take action against noisy vehicles and reckless drivers in residential areas of Abu Dhabi. The new system will detect vehicles spreading noise pollution in the city. It will be particularly helpful to catch vehicles with modified engines and altered silencers which produce more noise than allowed decibel limits.

Unique Road Sensors for Noise Control

According to Commander in chief of Abu Dhabi Police- Major General Mohammed Khalfan al Rumaithi, new roadside sensors will make Abu Dhabi, the first city in the world using advanced noise control systems to protect the environment from noise pollution. This move is also a result of a vast number of complaints lodged by the citizens against car horns and racing noises disturbing their rest and sleep hours.

How Road Sensors will Record the Noise Violations

New roadside sensors will be equipped with a microphone and a small camera. Now, if a vehicle exceeds the noise limit on any particular road, these sensors will detect it and the camera will take the snapshot of the license plate. Moreover, these sensors will be installed secretly and the drivers will not be able to dodge authorities. In this way, noisy and speedy cars will be caught for committing noise offence and fines will be issued to the drivers. This new system will serve the purpose to get rid of noisy disturbances caused by racing drivers. The sensors will be installed particularly near Abu Dhabi residential areas, hospital, schools and mosques.

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Image Source: Security Media

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