New Rules for Issuance and Renewal Validity of Driving Licenses in Dubai

New Rules for Issuance and Renewal Validity of Driving Licenses in Dubai

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The rules for issuance and renewal validity of driving licenses have been changed in Dubai by the Road and Transport Authority (RTA). The new driving license rules took effect on July 1, 2017, the same day as the implementation of the newly amended traffic law in the UAE. The new driving license rules have introduced different policies for the renewal validity of the driving licenses for residents and expats, which is fundamentally the highlight of the amended driving license rules.

Let’s find out what has changed in the new driving license rules.

New Changes in the Driving License Rules

The driving license rules have been refined and changed for the well-being of people in Dubai. According to the new rules, the initial validity of the driving license has been set to two years for the residents and expatriates aged 21 or above. After that, the renewal validity will be expanded to 10 years for citizens of the UAE and 5 years for the expatriates. Previously, the driving license validity for both residents and expats in Dubai was 10 years. What remains same in the amended driving rules is the initial one year renewal validity of the driving license for those aged below 21.

Why RTA has amended the Driving License Rules?

The driving license rules have been amended in the best public interest and for the well-being and safety of motorists. RTA aims to gradually improve the transport system in order to achieve their target of making Dubai one of the safest cities for commuting in the world. For this purpose, it becomes important to regulate the law that governs the issuance and validity of driving licenses.

Getting a driving license issued by RTA in Dubai is not easy, particularly for young drivers and expats who seek a driving license for the first time. There is a lengthy driving course to be completed by applicants, which includes lectures and theory tests followed by a road test. Road test is the most difficult phase of this course and drivers are only issued a driving license if they pass the road test.

It is also necessary for expats to go through training and pass the RTA road test to get their driving license issued by the authorities. However, the driving license holders of certain countries are allowed to drive in the UAE without getting their driving license issued by licensing authorities in the UAE.

Also read: 6 Important Tips to Pass the Driving Test in Dubai

How Your Driving License can be cancelled in Dubai?

The traffic law has been changed recently and the newly amended traffic law has enforced harsher penalties for dangerous traffic violations in the UAE. The penalties for these violations include heavy fines, have black points issued against the license, confiscation of the vehicle and even jail-time in some extremely dangerous offences. Your driving license can be terminated if black points issued against it amount to 24.

Listed below are the most common traffic violations with maximum black points:

  • 23 Black points for driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • 23 Black points for driving in a way that endangers the lives of other people.
  • 12 Black Points for driving a manual vehicle while you have the license of driving an automatic transmission vehicle.
  • 6 Black Points for overtaking dangerously.
  • 4 Black Points for violating the seatbelt rules.
  • 4 Black Points for using mobile phone while driving.

Reasons for Deadly Traffic Violations in 2016

These are some of the most common and dangerous traffic violations that can be penalized with maximum black points in Dubai. While some of these violations can lead to the cancellation of a driver’s license on the spot, the other violations, if repeated, can pileup black points very rapidly that can cause cancellation of license.

Also read: RTA to Introduce a New Service for Converting an Automatic Transmission Driving License to Manual


The driving license rules have been made and updated by the authorities to improve the standard of transport system in the UAE. On one hand, a lengthy and challenging driving course prepares the young drivers and expatriates to tackle the demanding driving conditions in the UAE and on the other hand, the renewal validity of licenses makes sure that all drivers are legally allowed to drive in the country.

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