Numerous Recalls for the Nissan Tiida

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Many car manufacturers continue to be dogged by technical problems that are affecting cars that are already off the line and in the hands of the clients. When these pile up, this turns out to be a nightmare for the manufacturer since it morphs from being an isolated incident or an anomaly to major incident that can indicate to the potential customers that the said company is not reliable in terms of quality delivery.

The next step for the manufacturer is to issue a recall of the affected vehicles so as to find out what the root cause of the problem could be and thus weed it out so as to restore faith in the car market and get back to selling their wares.

Nissan has had its fair share of recalls to fix a myriad of problems and this time it’s the Tiida that has been put under the examination glass. Some of the 2007 models have been diagnosed with a fault in the steering assembly whereby the pinion shaft of the middle steering shaft may not be sufficiently inserted deep. Due to this, the shaft may gradually slip out and thus render the steering column useless.

It would therefore be prudent to do a car evaluation so as to find out a car price estimate. You can then sell the Tiida before things get literally out of control as you maneuver it down the street.

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